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the great RTTP CD purchase of 2007

[Jun 5,2007 11:14am - the_reverend ""]
I have about $300 to spend on loud rock.
I want to maximize what I get so any suggestions of what I should get? Think of things that you might have requested that I didn't have. Maybe suggestions of ultra brew-tal things?
[Jun 5,2007 11:14am - the_reverend ""]
oh, I have to buy from places that I can get a receipt from.
[Jun 5,2007 12:50pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
WTF, theres bands that would actually make you pay for a CD? That's gay.
[Jun 5,2007 2:05pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I can have a receipt made, especially if you use PayPal.

[Jun 5,2007 2:10pm - the_reverend ""]
well, foreign stuff and back orders is what I'm talking aboot
[Jun 5,2007 2:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have tons of great imports, peruse the site.
[Jun 5,2007 2:25pm - largefreakatzero ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I can have a receipt made, especially if you use PayPal.


Are Pathos receipts hand-scrawled on cocktail napkins? If so, nice.
[Jun 5,2007 3:32pm - sxealex ""]
i will personally make you 300 dollars worth of music on cd-r and print u a shiny reciept.

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