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Egyptian army will fuck you up

[Jun 7,2007 2:02am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Eating snakes and rabbits, tearing them apart with teeth and hands, pretty cool stuff. Does anyone know if they teach this in the US I hope they do.

[Jun 7,2007 2:15am - deadlikemurf ""]
Q: How does any of this make a better soldier?

A: Allu Akbar.
[Jun 7,2007 5:17am - Todd NLI  ""]
deadlikemurf said:Q: How does any of this make a better soldier?


[Jun 7,2007 8:00am - sacreligion ""]
[Jun 7,2007 12:02pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

repeat in a monotonous voice over and over
[Jun 10,2007 10:29am - Dankill  ""]
I believe the Iraqi army did the same shit as well.
We can see where that got them.

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