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Plague Called Man updates

[Jun 10,2007 1:51pm - joshtruction ""]
Well I guess it is time for an update for anyone that is paying attention. In case you have not realized we ended our search for a vocalist but the bass search continues. Craig Chaves ex front man from A Terrible Night For A Curse has joined forces with us. We are very happy to have him onboard and we know he can bring a lot to the table.

We have our first show comming up soon. It's August 10th at the Bullpen in New Bedford Ma. The show should be a great time. Everyone should try to make it down and catch some bad ass bands. Dysentery (Amputated Vein Records) Goreality (pathos productions) and Porphyia are confirmed for this show. Hopefully we make this first show a good one!!! We will also be accepting show offers anytime after august 10th.

As far as the music is concernd we are writing a lot of new material and trying to tighten up for the first show. Once we have our set tight and fully written we will be recording a couple songs for our first self produced, and still unnammed demo. Once thats all taken care of we will be hitting the studio to record a demo/EP. Stay tuned for some new demo songs in the not too distant future!

For now send us some friend request and comments on our myspace. http://www.myspace.com/plaguecalledman
[Jun 11,2007 10:33am - cav nli  ""]
good luck dudes. craig is an amazing vocalist. cant wait to hear it!
[Jun 11,2007 1:05pm - joshtruction ""]
Thanks dude!
[Jun 11,2007 6:50pm - atthehaunted ""]
Our third song is awesome I can't wait till we record it so the world can hear it.

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