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[Jun 11,2007 3:25pm - DreamingInExile ""]

[Jun 11,2007 3:38pm - boine ""]
it sucks to use safari and this web page they dont get along
[Jun 11,2007 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I was just going to say, i could make this page work with safari...
but it works fine with safari 2.0, just not 1.1
[Jun 11,2007 4:04pm - DreamingInExile ""]
well, this is the beta of safari 3, looks cool so far, I just hate that it still doesn't support the chat feature in GMail...
[Jun 11,2007 4:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm sorry, I couldn't understand you over your lisp.
[Jun 11,2007 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
wow, I'm totally surfing the web via itunes now.
[Jun 11,2007 4:08pm - surfarev  ""]
works perfectly with RTTP.
like I said before, it's version 1.1 or 1.0 that doesn't.
[Jun 11,2007 4:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I just got an email from a user about testing a page with it so I tried it... looks just like iTunes.

he said it ctrl+f (find) and type something in and hit ctrl+g. that's pretty sw33t
[Jun 11,2007 5:10pm - xanonymousx ""]
i have safari 2.0.4 and i can't get into the forum unless i do some other stuff [click on the a show page then click on discussion]
[Jun 17,2007 9:54am - Hungtableed  ""]
On my commie mac, RttP only works with my version of Safari if I use the text only version of the site. A friend of mine has a much newer mac and RttP doesn't work on his shit either. I just downloaded the Beta version for PC and it works fine. Wicked pissah dude.
[Jun 17,2007 12:45pm - the_reverend ""]
making this site work on safari is low priority on my list...
I need to go through and re-code this whole site to make it w3c and htmlx compliant. I should really do that BEFORE coding anything more.. but I just so lazy.
[Jun 17,2007 1:21pm - Niccolai ""]
Awsome, now you can enjoy the same terrible script support as people who feel like shelling out a billion dollars for a mac.. all from your PC.
[Jun 17,2007 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
my itunes comment is the most unapreciated comment ever.

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