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Is this national "call Aaron" day?

[Jun 12,2007 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
I've gotten a couple calls that there was nothing there at all. like someone's phone just turned on in their pocket.

one of the other calls was a no caller id and an asian lady asking to be transfered to the person that is responsible to my company's website. I told her like 5 times it was a personal cellphone until she said "sorry" and hungup.
[Jun 12,2007 10:32am - brian_dc ""]
since your name is Aaron, I'm surprised you don't get this more often. Accidentally calling the first person on my list of numbers is a hobby of my pockets.
[Jun 12,2007 10:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
You can call me Ray or you can call me Jay..
[Jun 12,2007 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
and again!

someone must have put my number on a truck stop wall again

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