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[Jun 15,2007 1:45pm - johnny carcinoma  ""]
[Jun 15,2007 2:38pm - SteveOTB ""]

The super villain?
[Jun 15,2007 2:49pm - jesus ""]
[Jun 15,2007 3:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That actually took me a second; I was saying to myself, "those aren't all that sup-WHOAH!"
[Jun 17,2007 10:24am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
SteveOTB said:[img]

The super villain?

do you know how fat that bitch is, when I used to be a horny internet porn searcher I knew all the large breasted women, most where fat. that one is a cow.
[Jun 17,2007 1:28pm - Niccolai ""]
I've seen some retarded shit on this website... but that video just made me want to quit the internet.

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