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Bud Dwyer suicide video

[Jun 20,2007 11:00pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Jun 20,2007 11:07pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Jun 20,2007 11:09pm - the_reverend ""]
really really old
[Jun 21,2007 12:41am - demondave ""]
I've seen a high quality video of that. It was amazing how much blood came out.

He commited suicied live on TV during a brodcasted press conference with 5 cameras.

"...... Dwyer opened a brown envelope and withdrew a .357 Magnum revolver, advising those in the crowd, "Please leave the room if this will offend you." Those in attendance cried out to Dwyer, pleading with him to put the gun down ("Budd—don't!" was heard on television). Some tried to approach him. "Stay away, this thing will hurt someone," he warned.[4] Those were his last words. Amid the cry of "Budd, Budd, Budd!" Dwyer put the gun barrel into his mouth and pulled the trigger. He collapsed on the floor, in front of five television news cameras. Dwyer was pronounced dead at the scene at 11:31 AM"

[Jun 21,2007 2:25am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Bud rules!
[Jun 21,2007 8:55am - Josh_Martin ""]
That is wicked old. I've had that footage since before there was an internet. People used to tack that on to stuff in the old tape trading days.
[Jun 21,2007 9:28am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Related story:


I'm going out on a limb, and saying that this is the only context in which the following sentence will EVER be used:

"She placed a .38 revolver in her bag of puppets and put it beneath her desk."

And that's a shame.
[Jun 21,2007 9:31am - FleshFries ""]
lol, i kinda wanna die like that....i saw a higher quality video somewhere though
[Jun 21,2007 9:58am - the_reverend ""]
I wonder if there is any tape of that chubbuck thing.
[Jun 21,2007 10:10am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 21,2007 10:36am - Yeti ""]
that is one of the best videos ever. i remember seeing that when i was like 15 on a Faces of Death video. so much blood pours out of his nose. holy shit i want to see that video of Christine Chubbuck. i've never heard of that before.
[Jun 21,2007 10:49am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeti said:that is one of the best videos ever. i remember seeing that when i was like 15 on a Faces of Death video. so much blood pours out of his nose. holy shit i want to see that video of Christine Chubbuck. i've never heard of that before.

That seems like one of those things where, if it were available, you would have seen it by now (probably on RTTP, too). According to the story, the family got the tape; unless they're hurting for cash in the near future, they're probably not gonna release it.
[Jun 21,2007 11:07am - litacore ""]
Most people go gently into that good night, ignominiously withering away in their sleep or stuffed with tubes in a hospital bed. They end their lives with the same thudding mediocrity that they lived them.

Not Budd Dwyer, the king of public relations suicides. You only wish you could die as gloriously as he did. A politician by trade, he couldn't deny his vocation's innate exhibitionist tendencies. On January 22, 1987, a day before he was to be sentenced for o bribery conviction, the cholesterol-stoked Pennsylvania State Treasurer summoned a press conference. He then blasted his dome while the TV cameras rolled, ensuring that his death would be enjoyed by generations to come.

What chrome-plated balls. Hail Bud Dwyer!

His stunning curtain call started when a jury found him guilty of awarding a $4.6-million contract to a California computer firm in exchange for a three-hundred-thousand-dollar kickback. Although the deal never went through, Dwyer faced a possible fifty-five-year sentence. Maintaining his innocence, Dwyer delivered thirty minutes of aimless declamations in front of news reporters, claiming that friends had likened him to a "modern-day Job" and that his imprisonment would be "an American gulag." He was as white as Casper the Friendly Ghost after soliloquizing, his beige skull soaked in sweat under the hot lights.

After handing out some sealed letters to his aides, he reached into a manila envelope and pulled out a blued-steel .357 Magnum revolver. "Please leave the room if this will affect you," he calmly exclaimed amid cries of "Budd! Don't do this!. . . Budd, listen to mel" Before anyone could wrest the gun away from him, he shoved the barrel in his mouth and tripped the hammer, knocking himself back against the Pennsylvania state flag and onto the floor. The blood streamed from his nose like water from a faucet.

The video cameras, of course, zoomed in on his plasma-smeared face. Horrified yelps of "Oh, my God!" and "Holy shit!" spiraled above the sound of clicking shutters. "Don't panic," beseeched an oily middle-aged man, holding out his palms and stepping in front of Budd's bulk. "Don't panic. Someone call the ambulance and a doctor and the police. Don't panic, please. Show a little decorum, please. Dear God in heaven. Alright, you've got your footage. Would you kindly wrap up your footage, get your cameras out-please get out of the room. You've got everything that con be gotten at this point. Please. Paul, please. Paul, please! wrap up your cameras and get out of the room. Oh, my God in heaven. Dear God in heaven. Please, Paul, please! That's enough! enough! Please leave the room!”

Cameramen FINALLY turned off their videocams and virtually flew back to their TV stations the gruesome images. Dwyer's suicide replayed nationally, with most broadcasters having the "decorum" to stop the tape when Budd whipped out his gun. But Philadelphia’s WPVI-TV and WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh were bold enough to let the video wind down to its crimson conclusion. A televison commentator would later call Dwyers final act the "super bowl of suicides."

Tasteless or not, it was undeniably a dazzling gesture, much more sweeping than anything Dwyer could have done as the Keystone State’s chief bean counter. Rather than rot away in the pen with fifty dicks up his ass, he went out blazing, theatrically, on his terms.

We love you Budd Dwyer. We honestly love you.

--ANSWER ME! Magazine.
[Jun 21,2007 12:55pm - Yeti ""]
the craziest thing is after he falls and the camera focuses on his face, you can watch the last of his life drain out of his body. not the blood from the nose, but the look in his eyes, and the way his body slowly continues to collapse. that is such an amazing video.
[Jun 21,2007 1:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
"A number of television stations throughout Pennsylvania aired taped footage of Dwyer's suicide before a mid-day audience. Due to a major snowstorm throughout Pennsylvania that day, many schools were closed and many school-aged children were witness to the suicide."

[Jun 21,2007 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
i hope more celebrities take after him and start broadcasting suicides. like George Bush.
[Jun 21,2007 9:02pm - Whoremastery ""]
my hero!!!
[Jun 21,2007 9:57pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
"Tragic" - you dope!
[Jun 21,2007 9:57pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
And "honorable" - you douche-nozzle!
[Jun 21,2007 10:42pm - tylerl ""]
my journalism played this video on the first day of class, i was the only one who know what was gonna happen :spineyes:
[Jun 22,2007 2:42am - demondave ""]
[Jun 22,2007 1:13pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Hey man, nice shot.

Hurrrrrrrrrrr. Filter.
[Aug 12,2008 8:45am - SPACEMAN  ""]
this is all beyond words. I will say that how deep a shade of red that blood is really hits you. You can see myriads of videos of dumbass kids on youtube using their shitty video editing softwarez to try to put together some vague attempt at CG suicide. this video seems no different until you see the blood, and how it flees the body in torrents...and doesn't stop...it's truly disturbing.

He is kind of a douchèbag for pushing everyone present and everyone whom witnessed it live just *that* much closer to psychosis, ya know?
[Aug 12,2008 8:52am - Conservationist ""]
[Nov 10,2009 5:02pm - anonymous  ""]
Christine Chubbuck
[Nov 10,2009 5:05pm - reimroc ""]
not as disturbing as the bjork stalker suicide video. nothing like viewing a man go deeper and deeper into insanity.
[Feb 19,2018 5:26am - GeorgiaHixson ""]
[Feb 19,2018 3:29pm - TURTLE BOY = LAME  ""]
Throat cut on bosnian soldier in the early 90s 10x worse than this.

[Jul 6,2018 7:29am - Henry Aguilar  ""]
[Jul 6,2018 11:58am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Budd ruled... hey man, nice shot!
[Jul 6,2018 1:55pm - cool dick hard  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Budd ruled... hey man, nice shot!

Everyday of your life you think lame and cornball responses to every form of communication you partake in.
[Jul 6,2018 2:05pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
His family got $1M for that bullet.
[Jul 6,2018 2:07pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
If you put a bullet through your brain, you are getting shit, his suicide was worth $1,000,000 and left us priceless footage, Budd Dwyer is a legend.

Wish I was related to him, he ruled.

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