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all ages shows?

[Jun 24,2007 2:45pm - enemybasslegion2  ""]
why can't metal bands get all ages shows around hear while there are punk and hardcore almost every night some where in eastern massachuesetts. also im not looking to bash metal bands im just wondering if there is some knid of reasoning to it that im not realiing because ive heard metal bands say that theyre all ages shows are key but ive honestly seen very few of them.
[Jun 24,2007 2:49pm - Archaeon ""]
[Jun 24,2007 2:51pm - Uh  ""]
The reason is that you have to be able to compose a sentence in English before you can listen to metal.
[Jun 24,2007 2:54pm - enemybasslegion2  ""]
[Jun 24,2007 3:02pm - enemybasslegion2  ""]
why can't metal bands get all ages shows around here while there are punk and hardcore shows almost every night in eastern massachuesetts. also, im not looking to bash metal bands, but it would be nice to go to some local shows that are all ages, and that have some local metal bands on it. *revised
[Jun 24,2007 3:27pm - Archaeon ""]
having an all ages venue that also serves alcohol is more costly than profitable in most cases. therefore clubs pay less to have 21+ shows.
[Jun 24,2007 3:37pm - Lamp ""]
How about you guys let go of your fucking gay alcohol dependencies and go to a show to actually have fun instead of standing around drinking and talking about stupid shit nobody cares about?
[Jun 24,2007 3:59pm - Niccolai ""]
Standing around, drinking, and talking about stupid shit IS fun.
[Jun 24,2007 4:06pm - Lamp ""]
This is why I'm not a metalhead...
[Jun 24,2007 4:15pm - Niccolai ""]
I'm not a metalhead by any means, but I would even go as far as to say recent studies suggest drinking and talking to friends at shows is even more fun then telling people what they should or shouldn't do at shows.
[Jun 24,2007 4:40pm - Fuck logging in  ""]
alot of the people who support metal in this area are older and don't want to deal with the shit younger kids bring with them.
I.E. "the mosh"
Look at The Palladium.
[Jun 24,2007 4:55pm - trampletheweak  ""]
Niccolai said:I'm not a metalhead by any means, but I would even go as far as to say recent studies suggest drinking and talking to friends at shows is even more fun then telling people what they should or shouldn't do at shows.

I agree but you have to understand how frustrating it is to be 17, support the bands (buying cds/merch/ ect.), but not be able to go see them live only because of an age rule. Also, at the shows i am able to go to thier is alot of drinking anyways.
[Jun 24,2007 5:01pm - Niccolai ""]
True, no body knows the frustration of not being old enough to get into shows better then I do, but you gotta blame the 17 year old pit ninjas at hardcore shows for ruining venues, not the metal heads that go and drink and don't cause drama.
[Jun 24,2007 5:05pm - trampletheweak  ""]
Damn pit ninjas.
[Jun 24,2007 6:52pm - Uh  ""]
There aren't any shows in boston nowadays anyways.
[Jun 24,2007 10:19pm - Lamp ""]
Circle pit or bust!
[Jun 24,2007 10:42pm - RichHorror ""]
Getting hammered at all ages shows is a time-honored tradition.
[Jun 24,2007 10:53pm - trampletheweak  ""]
thanks to richhorror it has become on of my favorite things to do. so much for getting searched outside cambridge elks.
[Jun 24,2007 10:56pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't know how I made it possible, but you're welcome.
[Jun 24,2007 10:58pm - trampletheweak  ""]
You book most of the all ages shows i go to.
[Jun 24,2007 10:59pm - RichHorror ""]
No, I just happen to be there. I haven't booked an all ages show since the early 90's.
[Jun 24,2007 11:01pm - trampletheweak  ""]
I see..., i don't know why i thought you did. I always thought you booked the shows at cambridge elks. i guess not.
[Jun 24,2007 11:02pm - RichHorror ""]
I only live there.
[Jun 24,2007 11:45pm - timjohn  ""]
lol why don't you underage pussies get a fake ID... i have been going to bars since I was 16
[Jun 25,2007 12:06am - blue ""]
the reason why you always see all ages hardcore shows so much is because kids come out in droves to those shows, which supports the money needed to keep on renting out said all ages venues.

no one comes out to metal shows 9 times out of 10 unfortunately, so there is going to be no money to pay for all ages venues. the only real option most of the time are 21+ bars that dont charge much/at all to book.

i had to wait until i was 21 to go to a lot of good metal shows too, dont feel so bad.
[Jun 25,2007 3:17am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
The TESTAMENT/CSDO show at the ADC Performance Center in July is all ages........
[Jun 25,2007 6:19am - deadlikemurf ""]
blue said:the reason why you always see all ages hardcore shows so much is because kids come out in droves to those shows, which supports the money needed to keep on renting out said all ages venues.

no one comes out to metal shows 9 times out of 10 unfortunately, so there is going to be no money to pay for all ages venues. the only real option most of the time are 21+ bars that dont charge much/at all to book.


[Jun 25,2007 10:40am - Yeti ""]
enemybasslegion2 said:why can't metal bands get all ages shows around hear while there are punk and hardcore almost every night some where in eastern massachuesetts. also im not looking to bash metal bands im just wondering if there is some knid of reasoning to it that im not realiing because ive heard metal bands say that theyre all ages shows are key but ive honestly seen very few of them.

does not compute. does not compute.
[Jun 25,2007 2:50pm - xanonymousx ""]
there is a "Big Metal Show" going on there on the 13th.
[Jun 25,2007 2:55pm - xmikex ""]
xanonymousx said:http://myspace.com/brocktonshows
there is a "Big Metal Show" going on there on the 13th.

we're playing it. I'm not supposed to say who the headliner is yet. But if everything works out, it's gonna rule.
[Jun 25,2007 3:42pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Lamp said:How about you guys let go of your fucking gay alcohol dependencies and go to a show to actually have fun instead of standing around drinking and talking about stupid shit nobody cares about?

Stop crying because you're too young to get in some places. No one cares and no one is going to stop drinking.

[Jun 25,2007 7:02pm - Lamp ""]

Well, my being too young to drink legally doesn't stop you from being able to get to shows, but your insisting on having a place to drink while watching bands stops me and other people from being able to go to shows. So you know, maybe you could quit being a selfish dickhead and recognize that it's not my fault I was born later than you and other people, and that some complaints are actually valid.
[Jun 25,2007 7:05pm - RichHorror ""]
Lamp cries a lot because he's from Rhode Island.

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