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Attn: The bitch who keeps walking by my cubicle that smells like a cross between a French whore and your grandmother

[Jun 25,2007 9:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
FUCKING STOP IT with that perfume or whatever the fuck it is - if you're so rancid that you need to eradicate all other smells with that fucking stinkwater, just get yourself embalmed already. Or, I don't know, shower? Either way, go die.
[Jun 25,2007 10:33am - Yeti ""]
hahaha i have similar issues here at my job, sometimes its so potent that it triggers a quick asthma episode. my bronchial tubes are just like "EGAD!"
[Jun 25,2007 10:38am - metal_church101 ""]
Old lady/french whore perfume. Gotta love it.
[Jun 25,2007 10:39am - ariavette ""]
Yeti said:hahaha i have similar issues here at my job, sometimes its so potent that it triggers a quick asthma episode. my bronchial tubes are just like "EGAD!"

you can tell which rows are the old ladies b/c it's like walking through the perfume department at Macy's, just duck and run
[Jun 25,2007 10:56am - metal_church101 ""]
If you must walk by their cubes, be sure to swill some coffee as you are going by. THis will make things a bit more tolerable.
[Jun 25,2007 11:47am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
She fucking did it again... *gag*

Srsly, she's not even that old, just baggy and unappealing. I'm right by the conference room, so people are always wandering by, including this trashbucket. Yecch.
[Jun 25,2007 12:50pm - deadlikemurf ""]
grudgefuck her
[Jun 25,2007 12:54pm - the_reverend ""]
the great BO cover up of 2007
[Jun 25,2007 1:02pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
I don't allow girls (or guys) to wear heavy perfume at my work. With kids, I think the overuse of perfume is just due to lack of experience, and not knowing when enough is enough.

With old people, it's different. As they age their sense of smell goes down the shitter. They try to apply perfume they way they always have, but when they can just smell it they assume that it is nice and subtle. They don't realize that their nose deceives them, and that they smell like a persian whore.

Girls need to learn about perfume the way lead singers need to learn about stage volume. If you can hear yourself over the mic from onstage, you're probably too damned loud. If you can smell your own perfume, you're wearing way too much.
[Jun 25,2007 1:06pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
By the way, to the person having trouble with co-workers bathing in perfume, just fucking say something to them. Harassment laws are on your side in this instance. Just be nice about it, but tell them honestly that the amount and type of perfume they are wearing is making you unable to breathe. If they continue, tell a supervisor that that particular fat cow's perfume is choking you to death. Having to talk to an employee about hygiene is difficult, but it's part of the job.
[Jun 25,2007 2:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ArrowHead is watching you said:By the way, to the person having trouble with co-workers bathing in perfume, just fucking say something to them. Harassment laws are on your side in this instance. Just be nice about it, but tell them honestly that the amount and type of perfume they are wearing is making you unable to breathe. If they continue, tell a supervisor that that particular fat cow's perfume is choking you to death. Having to talk to an employee about hygiene is difficult, but it's part of the job.

Seriously, it's my last day - it won't help me any (unless they take her out in the parking lot to hose her down), so I'm just gonna post shit about her on the internet and think cancer at her.
[Jun 25,2007 2:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jun 25,2007 2:33pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:

Seriously, it's my last day

uhh, then why the hell WOULDN'T you use the opportunity to tell her she smells like a decaying whore? Except in this case, you don't have to be nice about it.
[Jun 25,2007 3:03pm - 43rd Parallel  ""]
that's what you get for working in a cubicle
[Jun 25,2007 3:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
43rd Parallel said:that's what you get for working in a cubicle

They were all out of The Octagon.
[Jun 25,2007 3:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I have reason to believe I will die in a cubicle

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