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Guitar Amp / Effects for sale

[Jun 25,2007 10:08pm - Jr5spd ""]
Im selling my Guitar Full Stack and the effects i had going through it.

Crate Blue VooDoo Full stack (not matching angled cab)

120 Watt Head
Blue Tolex
Tubes are less than 2 months old. Never turned past 3.
It has been giged since the latest Tubes

Top Cab:
Crate 4x12 angled
Black Tolex
Celetion 30's

Bottom cab:
Crate 4x12 straight
Blue tolex
Crate Speakers

Both cabs hav casters for easy moving.

There is some wear on each cab from being moved around to gigs and what not.

Boss Metal Zone
Boss 7 band EQ
Boss Carry case with power supply. Looks like a brief Case

Im Selling this stuff and buying new equipment. All the gear is in Southern NH in Kingston (same building with The_Network)

If you want to come and check the gear out please let me know and we can set up a time.

[Jun 25,2007 11:49pm - kyle NlI  ""]
cool prices i will take everything.
[Jun 26,2007 9:23am - Jr5spd ""]
kyle NlI said:cool prices i will take everything.

Thanks smart ass. I havent put prices cuz i want to see if people are interested first.

I was thinking

Head = $200
Each Cab = $250
Effects and case = $150
[Jun 26,2007 11:50am - immortal13 ""]
Might know someone who's interested in the head. That's a damn good price for a blue voodoo.
[Jun 26,2007 12:08pm - timjohn  ""]
if that tube history is legit i think i would know someone interested in the head as well
[Jun 26,2007 2:33pm - Jr5spd ""]
I kinda wanna sell as much as i can ASAP. I need money to buy my 6505

So selling in bulk would be ideal.
[Jun 26,2007 3:34pm - c. dagger (aka Kinslayer)  ""]
Yeah, that's a great price for that head...

I have an interested friend...
[Jun 26,2007 3:39pm - Jr5spd ""]
Jr5spd said:I kinda wanna sell as much as i can ASAP. I need money to buy my 6505

So selling in bulk would be ideal.

well if people start bidding on it... If I up the price it'd be to 250 For the head... But we'll see what happens.

I want to sell as much as i can ASAP
[Jun 26,2007 4:17pm - blue ""]
Jr5spd said:kyle NlI said:cool prices i will take everything.

Thanks smart ass. I havent put prices cuz i want to see if people are interested first.

I was thinking

Head = $200
Each Cab = $250
Effects and case = $150

just letting you know, you can squeeze way more out of the vintage 30 cab than 250. depending on the conditon, you could probably get up 400.
[Jun 26,2007 4:51pm - Kinslayer (aka c.dagger)  ""]
Blue, Booby wants the head...

I want him to have a tube head and this is all he can afford. I'm trying to get him to buy it...

He said he'll give you $200 cash on friday. Hold it!!
[Jun 26,2007 7:27pm - Jr5spd ""]
Kinslayer said:Blue, Booby wants the head...

I want him to have a tube head and this is all he can afford. I'm trying to get him to buy it...

He said he'll give you $200 cash on friday. Hold it!!

Well i plan on holding it.... But i want to sell as much as i can ASAP... Not piece here and piece there...Cuz what am i going to do with a full stack minus a head....
[Jun 26,2007 7:29pm - blue ""]
Kinslayer said:Blue, Booby wants the head...

I want him to have a tube head and this is all he can afford. I'm trying to get him to buy it...

He said he'll give you $200 cash on friday. Hold it!!

hilarious, 1 year ago kid goes and buys the crappiest head money can buy when the whole time we were trying to get him to get something better.
[Jun 26,2007 8:22pm - xanonymousx ""]
Jr5spd said:I kinda wanna sell as much as i can ASAP. I need money to buy my 6505

So selling in bulk would be ideal.

[Jun 26,2007 10:13pm - Jr5spd ""]
xanonymousx said:Jr5spd said:I kinda wanna sell as much as i can ASAP. I need money to buy my 6505

So selling in bulk would be ideal.


Thanks. I've been looking on Ebay, craigslist, and Guitar Center.

I was going to take all the gear and end up going to Daddy's for store credit (i hate that place) a nd buy the 6505 there.

As for the Cab with celestions...I have to double check on whether or not they're actually vintage 30's. Im going to take the back off tomorrow to double check that just to clarify for anyone.

I want to sell the full stack for like 800. Then the effects all together would be 150...950 total. So yeah..... Want this stuff gone but i have a show thursday night. So i need it till then
[Jun 26,2007 10:21pm - xanonymousx ""]
yeah i really don't like daddy's but they are only 10 minutes (if even) from where i live.
so i go there to pick up strings and picks and poke around sometimes when i'm bored.
[Jun 26,2007 11:03pm - Jr5spd ""]
If i can get trade in store credit for this so i can get my head...thats probably whast going to happen.... I would much rather sell the stuff to people that actually know what my gear is and how to use it.... But selling it slowly isnt going to help me.... I need to get the head ASAP cuz im picking up my Marshall 1960A next wednesday
[Jun 26,2007 11:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
damn, if i didn't literally JUST buy a brand new crate cab w/ vintage 30s i would have taken one of those cabs off your hands. guitar center marked it wrong (supposed to be $550, but marked $300, plus a letter that allowed 10% off an entire purchase), so i fucking win. good luck trying to sell this stuff though, even if it is going towards a peavey product (blech).

if you do end up selling to daddy's, tell them guitar center offered you more. they said my old randall cab was only worth like $125, so i told them guitar center offered close to $200 and got $175 for it, haha.
[Jun 27,2007 8:31am - Jr5spd ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:damn, if i didn't literally JUST buy a brand new crate cab w/ vintage 30s i would have taken one of those cabs off your hands. guitar center marked it wrong (supposed to be $550, but marked $300, plus a letter that allowed 10% off an entire purchase), so i fucking win. good luck trying to sell this stuff though, even if it is going towards a peavey product (blech).

if you do end up selling to daddy's, tell them guitar center offered you more. they said my old randall cab was only worth like $125, so i told them guitar center offered close to $200 and got $175 for it, haha.

Why you hatin on Peavey?

And thanks for the heads up on prying more cash out of them!
[Jun 27,2007 10:03am - Kinslayer (aka c.dagger)  ""]
This kid I know is SERIOUS about buying that head...want his number?
[Jun 27,2007 10:18am - sinistas ""]

There's your 5150/6505.
[Jun 27,2007 10:26am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Jr5spd said:MarkFuckingRichards said:damn, if i didn't literally JUST buy a brand new crate cab w/ vintage 30s i would have taken one of those cabs off your hands. guitar center marked it wrong (supposed to be $550, but marked $300, plus a letter that allowed 10% off an entire purchase), so i fucking win. good luck trying to sell this stuff though, even if it is going towards a peavey product (blech).

if you do end up selling to daddy's, tell them guitar center offered you more. they said my old randall cab was only worth like $125, so i told them guitar center offered close to $200 and got $175 for it, haha.

Why you hatin on Peavey?

And thanks for the heads up on prying more cash out of them!

every peavey product i have ever used has given me problems, whether it's wiring/technical issues or just no sensible EQing to make it sound right (to me of course). i won't tell you not to buy it, but i can't help but express my disgust for peavey, haha.
[Jun 27,2007 2:38pm - blue ""]
mark, you suck. nicc knows i was selling my crate v30 cab and you go and buy a new one (which new theyre not worth it).

and to Jr5spd, you can tell if the crate cab has v30s by looking at the front right bottom of the cab, itll say 'vintage 30 loaded' or something to that effect.
[Jun 27,2007 2:43pm - Niccolai ""]
I would have told him to buy yours, I didn't even know he got it until after the deed was done though.
[Jun 27,2007 3:28pm - Jr5spd ""]
blue said:mark, you suck. nicc knows i was selling my crate v30 cab and you go and buy a new one (which new theyre not worth it).

and to Jr5spd, you can tell if the crate cab has v30s by looking at the front right bottom of the cab, itll say 'vintage 30 loaded' or something to that effect.

The cab had original speakers in it at one point... but they were changed to 30's before i bought it.... So i need to make sure just not to confuse anyone
[Jun 27,2007 4:31pm - blue ""]
Niccolai said:I would have told him to buy yours, I didn't even know he got it until after the deed was done though.

tell him to return his and buy mine, it has way more mojo. theres years of unimportant local band history in that cab.
[Jun 27,2007 5:12pm - Niccolai ""]
You heard the man Mark. MOJO.
[Jun 27,2007 5:22pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
haha, mojo...yes.

honestly, the purchase was not planned at all, but i saw the price tag and knew it was wrong, so i had to take advantage of getting over $300 off a brand new crate cab. how much are you selling yours for blue?
[Jun 27,2007 5:24pm - blue ""]
ok, sounds like a really good deal. i was trying to get 300 for it.
[Jun 27,2007 5:31pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
hah, well the total for my brand new cab was $270. i am sorry i disappointed you, master.
[Jun 27,2007 5:34pm - blue ""]
no, good deals are good deals. i totally understand, all in the name of gear.
[Jun 27,2007 6:10pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
werd up son. who knows, i may want to buy yours too if it's still around when i have the cash. i'm becoming quite the gearwhore lately, especially since i need to sound as heavy as hell for the band i'm doing with mike from BOE.
[Jun 27,2007 9:45pm - Jr5spd ""]
well just to let everyone else know. The speakers in the Angled Cab are Celestion Vintage 30's
[Jun 28,2007 9:47pm - joey umbrella  ""]
do you still have the EQ? if so, email me at raisedonfailure@netscape.net
[Jun 28,2007 10:27pm - blue ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:werd up son. who knows, i may want to buy yours too if it's still around when i have the cash. i'm becoming quite the gearwhore lately, especially since i need to sound as heavy as hell for the band i'm doing with mike from BOE.

is this that uber slam band hes been talking about wanting to do? if so im freaking psyched.
[Jun 29,2007 12:37am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
you are correct blue. we are called composted, and the 3 songs we have done are called phallus palace, high on krylon and from cumrags to riches.
[Jun 29,2007 1:51am - Niccolai ""]
If you buy his cab before you pay off my guitar, I'm slapping your titters mark.
[Jun 29,2007 11:17am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
you can slap my titters anyway ;*

i think i'll actually be able to give you some money for that today, or at least sometime soon. strange but true.
[Jun 30,2007 11:49am - joshtruction ""]
I am interested in just the case/power supply for the pedals. I don't need them pedals at all. Is it the boss case?

Good prices for the stuff. If you want to spend 950 on a 6505 I would part with mine. Literally almost brand new. Not a single scratch or blemish in any way. 100% new tubes in it right now too. Like one practice on the new tubes tops.

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