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song help

[Jun 28,2007 9:34pm - succubus ""]
ok so when i was in charlotte NC i brought my camera and took photos of my coworkers as they got drunk, were doing kareoke, stripping, dancing, etc..

so now I want to embaress them and made a slideshow with a song...

any song suggestions? something that is recognizable and that would be funny.

I am thinking of welcome to the jungle..by GnR but I don't have it on my PC so I need to DL it for free first. Anyone has a link or link to other songs they think would be funny?

I'll prolly youtube it TIA
[Jun 29,2007 12:54am - hungtableed  ""]
Journey - don't stop believing

anyone dancing to that song will come off as embarrassing...unless you're a broad.
[Jun 29,2007 1:50am - Niccolai ""]
play 'can a nigga get a table dance'

or hungry like the wolf.
[Jun 29,2007 2:50am - Dwellingsickness ""]
The Divinyls - I Touch Myself
[Jun 29,2007 7:48am - succubus ""]
some funny ones!
jsut owndering where to actually find the .wav or whatever file.
i found the Gilligan's Island theme for me and my coworkers that started off on a 2 hour flight...that got canceled...and we spent a ton of time in boston, the airport, washington DC all drinking until we reached our final destination

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