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[Jul 2,2007 1:31pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I love this band. Some of you probably think they're nu-metal but I enjoy them. I remember when they first came out. Been on a little of a kick today.
[Jul 2,2007 1:33pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
yeah they rule
[Jul 2,2007 1:34pm - pam ""]
I predict 100 replies by 8pm tonight.
[Jul 2,2007 1:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm a big Sevendust fan but their newer stuff is a bit lackluster. newest album has a couple good cuts on it though.
[Jul 2,2007 1:44pm - d.cead  ""]

[Jul 2,2007 1:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]
They are awful. End of discussion.
[Jul 2,2007 1:46pm - metal_church101 ""]
I never liked them.
[Jul 2,2007 1:54pm - dreadkill ""]
the singer has a good voice but the music is boring as fuck
[Jul 2,2007 1:57pm - archaeon ""]
[Jul 2,2007 2:50pm - Aegathis ""]
i like the 1st couple albums, didnt follow them after those ones though
[Jul 2,2007 2:53pm - RichHorror ""]
I heard the singer was black. He is good at dancing and basketball.
[Jul 2,2007 2:56pm - ZJD ""]
I remember liking their self titled album a long time ago when I listened to a lot of stuff I think is horrible now, but from what I can remember (which is about 4 seconds of the chorus from Terminator) it might still sound okay to me now.
[Jul 2,2007 2:59pm - Jared_The_zompire ""]
RichHorror said:I heard the singer was black. He is good at dancing and basketball.

[Jul 2,2007 3:14pm - ZJD ""]
I just listened to Terminator again and decided it was great and definitely not something I would call nu-metal. I think it's pretty easy to tag any "alternative" metal band from the mid to late 90s that appeals in any way to 15 year olds as nu-metal, so whatever. Not that I give a shit what get's called what and whether or not I'm aloud to like it and retain my metal points anyway, I openly listen to enough unTr00 stuff as it is, I gots no metal points.
[Jul 2,2007 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
any band that any metal head doesnt like is labeled as nu-metal haha. Sevendust is great, i think Animosity is definitely their pinnacle.
[Jul 2,2007 3:26pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Jul 2,2007 3:50pm - CTB  ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I ache for cock and male cum

[Jul 2,2007 4:15pm - Doomwhore ""]
largefreakatzero said:They are awesome. End of discussion.

[Jul 2,2007 5:13pm - doomwhore nli  ""]
Doomwhore said:largefreakatzero said:They are awesome. End of discussion.

I have aids

[Jul 2,2007 5:39pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
aids eh? i'll pay you 5 bucks to fuck you with a razor dildo
[Jul 2,2007 6:56pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
sevendust is the balls...i'll never deny this band
[Jul 2,2007 10:33pm - xanonymousx ""]
You just got the whole animosity cd stuck in my head thanks
[Jul 2,2007 11:17pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
xanonymousx said:You just got the whole animosity cd stuck in my head thanks

Haha, I've been listening to that album all day. It's their best one and my favorite tracks off it are "Crucified" and "Trust".
[Jul 3,2007 1:33am - SteveOTB ""]
I like their stuff. I like to consider them "Hard Rock" but they're much heavier than most hard rock bands I feel. I heard a new song from them today on the radio and was like "damn this is pretty heavy for afternoon radio".
[Jul 3,2007 9:17am - xmikex ""]
sooooooooooooooooo AWFUL. hated this band since day 1. sat through them at Tattoo the Earth to watch Slayer. Almost not even worth it.

[Jul 3,2007 10:01am - metal_church101 ""]
xmikex said:sooooooooooooooooo AWFUL. hated this band since day 1. sat through them at Tattoo the Earth to watch Slayer. Almost not even worth it.


That's painful.
[Mar 7,2019 1:00pm - Unholy Father  ""]
[Mar 7,2019 1:59pm - the_reverend ""]
troll identified.
[Mar 8,2019 12:36am - Aril is still every troll  ""]
It's still Aril. Dude still has no life.
[Mar 8,2019 9:06am - Unholy Father  ""]
Bumped specifically so the Rev would know who it was.

As far as the loser above, I'm sure your life is greaaaaat.
[Mar 8,2019 3:46pm - Doxxing assholes  ""]
Been lots of shit posting and doxxing coming out of this site in the past couple of years. People have lost their jobs because of it. Careful what you post here.

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