heard of this magazine?: Ralph[views:1135][posts:4]__________________________________ [Jul 5,2007 12:12pm - succubus ""] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_(magazine) I can't access the official site because it's blocked (I'm at work). Anyhow, it's from Australia and I got a pretty sweet gig from them using my metal pics. They are mailing me a copy and I can't wait to read the article! lol if anyone has seen it..please let me know yer thoguhts |
____________________________________ [Jul 5,2007 12:15pm - RichHorror ""] I'd hoped it was a pukesex magazine. |
__________________________________ [Jul 5,2007 12:49pm - succubus ""] i'm actually glad it's not! |
____________________________________ [Jul 5,2007 12:50pm - RichHorror ""] :| |
_______________________________ [Jul 5,2007 1:00pm - xmikex ""] I actually have heard of that magazine. |