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Jul 19 (Thu) - METAL THURSDAY XVII w/ Sin of Angels, Noosebomb, Priapism (CT) & It Will End In Pure Horror $5.00 - 9:00PM - 21+ - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)[view flyer]

July 19th @ Ralph's Diner: Metal Thursday XVII with Sin of Angels, Noosebomb, Priapism (CT) & It Will End In Pure Horror 21+ 9:00PM $5.00

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jul 8,2007 10:55am - MetalThursday ""]



[Jul 8,2007 11:09am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jul 8,2007 12:03pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 8,2007 12:09pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
That's the haps.
[Jul 8,2007 2:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Hey, you know what? Fuck it, I'll shit my pants right now.
[Jul 8,2007 3:10pm - SM Nose Chief  ""]
worcester doesnt have enough drugs or alcohol to support this show.
[Jul 8,2007 3:43pm - RichHorror ""]
That was our fear, so we're bringing all our blowdaddies and pilldaddies with us.
[Jul 8,2007 3:49pm - goatcatalyst ""]
show Priapism some hospitality. great band, great dudes who fucking party
[Jul 8,2007 3:51pm - RichHorror ""]
They better have coke.
[Jul 8,2007 4:34pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
SM Nose Chief said:worcester doesnt have enough drugs or alcohol to support this show.

oh i beg to differ
[Jul 8,2007 4:46pm - RichHorror ""]
I usually get pretty tore up at Ralph's.

Marijuana is not a drug. Please do not offer me anything I can't overdose from. Our guitarist likes it, though.
[Jul 8,2007 8:55pm - SM Nose Chief  ""]
SacreligionNLI said:SM Nose Chief said:worcester doesnt have enough drugs or alcohol to support this show.

oh i beg to differ

RichHorror said:Marijuana is not a drug.

case closed. :shocker:
[Jul 8,2007 9:45pm - RichHorror ""]
The logic is air-tight.
[Jul 8,2007 10:26pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Our guitarist is a pussy
[Jul 8,2007 10:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, fuck that faggot.
[Jul 8,2007 10:53pm - narkybark ""]
I just found out we practice in a room next to a punk band who has a member of IWEIPH in it. Who knew? Or am I completely wrong?
[Jul 8,2007 10:58pm - RichHorror ""]
Definitely wrong. Everyone in IWEIPH and everything else they do practices in Mike Giallo's bedroom.
[Jul 8,2007 11:28pm - RichHorror ""]
This is the first time in way over a year IWEIPH has played a show with either Noosebomb or SOA. Psyched, nigga!
[Jul 8,2007 11:41pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Should be fun stuff.
[Jul 9,2007 12:35am - narkybark ""]
Eh, maybe I was delusional. If I see the guy I'll ask which name I got wrong.
[Jul 9,2007 12:43am - Mike_Giallo ""]
Maybe it's Suzi? Our old bassit.
[Jul 9,2007 12:44am - RichHorror ""]
Oh yeah. Do you practice in South Boston?
[Jul 9,2007 12:51am - narkybark ""]
Ah yes... and there was indeed a girl there but I didn't catch her name, that could very well be it. The drummer (a little shaved head guy) said someone played with them but didn't say who. Or if he did it completely flew over me, it was a chaotic moment since our drummer broke a second bass drum head this week and had none left and was being all frantic. We discovered that their practice space has their own bathroom. There was jealousy afoot.
[Jul 9,2007 12:51am - RichHorror ""]
Yup, that'd be it.
[Jul 9,2007 4:11am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
rich, there are plenty of other drugs in worcester, i just happen to specialize in mary ;)
[Jul 9,2007 8:14am - RichHorror ""]
I'm sure, it's a pretty scummy place.
[Jul 9,2007 8:20am - RichHorror ""]
As I'm fond of telling people, the first time I was ever at Ralph's I smoked angel dust in the parking lot.
[Jul 9,2007 10:48am - Yeti ""]
holy Hell, this should be an interesting show. i'm really excited to see Sin of Angels. i'm sure IWEIPH will tear my soul out.
[Jul 9,2007 10:49am - RichHorror ""]
If all goes well we'll be covering both Spazz and A-Ha at this.
[Jul 9,2007 10:51am - Yeti ""]
yep, my soul is already being pulled on.
[Jul 9,2007 12:58pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Nice. Priapism is our boys!!
[Jul 9,2007 3:18pm - RichHorror ""]
They're very popular, it seems.
[Jul 9,2007 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
Priapism sounds like the worst affliction one could suffer.
[Jul 9,2007 3:23pm - RichHorror ""]
Priapism is a prolonged and painful erection that can last from several hours up to a few days. The priapismic erection is NOT associated with sexual thoughts or sexual activity. What happens is that blood flows into the penis, but is unable to drain as it would in a normally flaccid penis. Considering that the penis provides little room for blood to circulate, the blood becomes stagnant after a while, acidifies, and loses oxygen. Without oxygen, the red blood cells become stiff, and even less able to squeeze their way out of the penis.

Very few cases of priapism are without an obvious cause. In most cases, priapism results from one of two things: certain medications or medical conditions. Under the category of medications, there are two primary culprits. For one, penile injections used to treat some forms of impotence can cause priapism; however, this usually only happens when a man decides, on his own, to increase the dosage. Second, psychiatric medications, such as anti-depressants, seem to cause some cases of priapism; however, how these drugs affect priapism is unclear. The second major cause of priapism is certain medical conditions and diseases -- generally, any that cause the blood to thicken, or cause red blood cells to lose their flexibility and mobility. Sickle-cell anemia and leukemia are probably the most common conditions that cause priapism.
[Jul 9,2007 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
pardon me while i vomit.
[Jul 9,2007 3:27pm - RichHorror ""]
It starts out real sexy then gets real unsexy real quick.
[Jul 9,2007 10:49pm - MetalThursday ""]
Excited to hopefully see a full set from SOA after the unfortunate guitar amp meltdown that occurred after 2 songs when they played Metal Thursday IX back in January. And believe it or not, I've still never seen Noosebomb.
[Jul 9,2007 10:59pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
They suck. Don't bother.
[Jul 10,2007 12:01pm - RichHorror ""]
They shit on my lawn.
[Jul 10,2007 3:14pm - SM Nose Chief  ""]
RichHorror said:They shit on my lawn.

brownies ?
[Jul 10,2007 9:29pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 10,2007 10:39pm - RichHorror ""]
When you crush a hydrocodone there is much more of it than there was when it was a pill.
[Jul 11,2007 12:50pm - RichHorror ""]
We bought sexy outfits for this show last night.
[Jul 12,2007 10:02pm - Earl Scruggs  ""]
this show needs more banjo
[Jul 15,2007 12:41pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll make a note of it.
[Jul 15,2007 7:31pm - dreadkill ""]
fuckin a, i have to work thursday night til 4am. me no make it to this show. :(
[Jul 15,2007 7:36pm - RichHorror ""]
It's too bad, for this show only we're playing a bunch of melodic bullshit with faggot keyboards.
[Jul 15,2007 7:37pm - dreadkill ""]
[Jul 15,2007 10:13pm - RichHorror ""]
Wyld bumout 4 u
[Jul 16,2007 11:52am - pam ""]
Can't wait for this.
[Jul 16,2007 11:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I might have to come out for this.
[Jul 16,2007 12:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:I might have to come out for this.

Assuming, of course, I don't go to this show, instead:

[Jul 16,2007 12:23pm - RichHorror ""]
Tough call.
[Jul 16,2007 12:36pm - Yeti ""]
3 days until Worcester becomes scummier than it already is.
[Jul 16,2007 12:51pm - RichHorror ""]
Quite a feat, but I believe we're up to the challenge.
[Jul 16,2007 3:26pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I hope the sound guy does what he did last time I played there and only mics half of my toms. Then he can make it so it sounds like I have 2 bass drums but one of the heads is busted. Just like before. That would be awesome.
[Jul 16,2007 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
tell him to do that. he is easy as hell to work with.
[Jul 16,2007 3:28pm - RichHorror ""]
He was too busy oiling his leather vest.
[Jul 16,2007 3:28pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Yeah he seems like an alright dude. Last time must have just been a fluke. It sounded AWFUL.
[Jul 16,2007 3:29pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
RichHorror said:He was too busy oiling his leather vest.

[Jul 16,2007 3:30pm - Kevord ""]
pam said:Can't wait for this.

Will you actually be attending or you can't wait to not go?
[Jul 16,2007 3:32pm - RichHorror ""]
Pam can't wait to pretend to go.
[Jul 16,2007 3:33pm - goatcatalyst ""]
ALL soundmen ought be made to wear leather vests. Uniform.
[Jul 16,2007 3:33pm - Kevord ""]
RichHorror said:Pam can't wait to pretend to go.

Then badmouth me for not going even though I am going.
[Jul 16,2007 4:17pm - pam ""]
Kevin, shouldn't you be up your girlfriends vagina...it's bright and scary out here.

I go to every show I can. Sometimes shit doesn't work out, get over it.
[Jul 16,2007 4:18pm - RichHorror ""]
His girlfriend is away. Which is obviously why he's posting on this message board.
[Jul 16,2007 4:19pm - pam ""]
[Jul 17,2007 10:04pm - MetalThursday ""]
Bump for 48 hours until Sin Of Angels makes me go deaf for a week
[Jul 17,2007 11:09pm - RichHorror ""]
My feelings about this show are best summed up as--

[Jul 17,2007 11:12pm - Aegathis ""]
Sonny and Cher might make an appearance at this show. If I dont get run over by a tree first.
[Jul 17,2007 11:20pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 18,2007 12:14am - pam ""]
MetalThursday said:Bump for 48 hours until Sin Of Angels makes me go deaf for a week

Can't wait!
[Jul 18,2007 12:36am - Samantha ""]
Aegathis said:Sonny and Cher might make an appearance at this show. If I dont get run over by a tree first.

Does this mean that the Polack and I will end up joining you in the "couples that are all over each other" section again?
[Jul 18,2007 12:37am - RichHorror ""]
Looks like I'll be jacking my cock all over the place.
[Jul 18,2007 9:04am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The formula returns!
-Work Thursday
-Metal Thursday on Thursday night
-Sleep for 1 hour
-Work Friday
-Go straight out again
-Hit a telephone pole and flip my car over on the way home Saturday morning.

I'm going for the gold this time.
[Jul 18,2007 1:02pm - RichHorror ""]
You can do it!
[Jul 18,2007 7:30pm - MetalThursday ""]
Tomorrow night! Bye-bye eardrums.
[Jul 19,2007 8:59am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Tonight! Hello eardrums.
[Jul 19,2007 10:36am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
It turns out that I lied. Maybe next time.
[Jul 19,2007 10:50am - pam ""]
Ralph's will never be the same after tonight I have a feeling.
[Jul 19,2007 12:02pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Tomorrow's RTTP headlines will read...

"Ralph's show leaves 3 dead, 17 wounded, Rich Horror formally introduced to the wintery freshness of Mace."

[Jul 19,2007 12:02pm - RichHorror ""]
That's like me being introduced to the concept of breathing.
[Jul 19,2007 12:05pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
One night soon we'll have to hit up KFC for a failure pile in a sadness bowl, prior to watching grown men beat one another retarded.
[Jul 19,2007 12:06pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]

Eatin' my lunch from a single bowl...

In my parents basement...

where I'm livin'...

Happy Birthday, I'm 43...
[Jul 19,2007 12:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Apparently my band is getting kicked out as soon as we're done playing. I just noticed in the mail Chris sent that the place makes any band people under 21 leave right after their set.
[Jul 19,2007 12:14pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
But you can stay and ruin enough lives for the rest of them! Ahh the opportunity.
[Jul 19,2007 12:14pm - pam ""]
They didn't kick Little A out?
[Jul 19,2007 12:18pm - RichHorror ""]
I dunno, the e-mail says it. We'll see.
[Jul 19,2007 1:19pm - Yeti ""]
does anyone know what time IWEIPH goes on? i dont think i can make the whole show, but to miss them in Worcester would be a travesty.
[Jul 19,2007 1:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Just play it by ear. They may not care. If you're not going in and out of the front door all night they may forget about you.
[Jul 19,2007 1:31pm - RichHorror ""]
We go on at 9:30, I believe.
[Jul 19,2007 1:55pm - Sinistas ""]
The busses in Worcester suck. Ugh.
[Jul 19,2007 1:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Everyone should come down to see me 'sing' songs I don't know the words to.
[Jul 19,2007 2:39pm - |an ""]
think i'll go and give my brain a thorough melting

SOA is one of the loudest bands i ever saw, at OB's it was ridic
[Jul 19,2007 3:34pm - Aegathis ""]
As long as they dont kick out Little A till after we are done playing I think we'll be good
[Jul 19,2007 4:00pm - diamond_dave ""]

moral of the story: if it's too loud you're a fucking homo
[Jul 19,2007 5:03pm - Samantha ""]
Up for tonight! I'll be there after I get out of work at 11:00. It sucks missing most of the show, but at least I can still see one or two bands.
[Jul 19,2007 5:25pm - pam ""]
Myself, Nick, George, and TJ are heading up soon.
[Jul 19,2007 5:50pm - sinistas ""]
I'm trying to find a way to get there and back. No money = suck.
[Jul 19,2007 6:39pm - Aegathis ""]
I wanna go too damn it. Anthony=suck
[Jul 19,2007 7:17pm - MetalThursday ""]
Rich I'll call you in a few with some advice on what to do about the young'uns
[Jul 20,2007 6:23am - Samantha ""]
Aegathis said:Anthony=suck

I agree with this statement. :LOL:
[Jul 20,2007 6:55am - MetalThursday ""]
Great show, lame turnout.
[Jul 20,2007 7:17am - the_reverend ""]
I should have shown up late. I is lamez.
[Jul 20,2007 10:41am - pam ""]
Arrr, why does PBR hurt my head so bad the next day? Ow.

Best MT line up in a while, and no one was there. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I had a blast regardless. I just tried to figure out how much I drank considering I have a lone dollar left in my bag and my head hurts a LOT...no idea, must have been a lot.

IWEIPH was something to see, as usual. Their new bass player is a metal patient. I liked the clamoring of "that was great"s coming from the "crowd" after their set. I wasn't too big on the second band but they had some seriously talented people in there. Noosebomb is fast becoming a favorite for me, those guys are soooo good. And everyone knows how I feel about SoA, amazing. Just sucks everyone on this line up got literally the smallest crowd I've ever seen for a MT.

Pictures sometime. Someday.
[Jul 20,2007 10:44am - RichHorror ""]
He's a metal patient! OWWWWWWWWWWW!!
[Jul 20,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
fuckin fart-knockin sumamabitch. i hope the show went well for everyone, i couldnt get there in time. sucks that the crowd was small, i wonder if the 2 days per month are taking away from the desire to go.
[Jul 20,2007 10:46am - goatcatalyst ""]
I would have went if it wasn't the last night of classes. I is lamez like the Revvz.
[Jul 20,2007 10:47am - RichHorror ""]
I kinda assumed the crowd wouldn't be huge because this show wasn't the usual straight up black-death-thrash that these shows usually are. Trying something different is usually rough in the beginning. Hopefully Chris does more of these with bands that're from different parts of the heavy spectrum. I am still massively hungover so it's possible none of this makes sense.
[Jul 20,2007 10:47am - pam ""]
Yeti said:sucks that the crowd was small, i wonder if the 2 days per month are taking away from the desire to go.

That's what everyone was saying last night.
[Jul 20,2007 10:49am - pam ""]
RichHorror said:I am still massively hungover so it's possible none of this makes sense.

I haven't had this bad of a headache in a while.
[Jul 20,2007 11:22am - RichHorror ""]
I think I'm at the same time hungover and also still drunk. It's a pretty amazing feeling.
[Jul 20,2007 11:25am - pam ""]
4 ibuprofen later and my head is still pounding.
[Jul 20,2007 11:25am - goatcatalyst ""]
that's nature's way of telling you to drink more
[Jul 20,2007 11:28am - pam ""]
goatcatalyst said:that's nature's way of telling you to drink more

But, I haven't gotten by the coffee part of the day yet...
[Jul 20,2007 5:09pm - Kevord ""]
I'm still hungover from last night and I never get hungover. Were they surving super PBR's last night?
[Jul 20,2007 7:53pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm super.
[Jul 20,2007 8:09pm - the_reverend ""]
but you pronounce it "thuper"
[Jul 20,2007 9:16pm - MetalThursday ""]
pam said:Yeti said:sucks that the crowd was small, i wonder if the 2 days per month are taking away from the desire to go.

That's what everyone was saying last night.

It's a work in progress... it took the better part of a year to build a good-sized regular crowd for one show a month, it might take some time to get the attendance up for two. I think it's worth pursuing. The best thing is for regulars to bring new people with them so they turn into MT junkies just like them.
[Jul 20,2007 9:30pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Jul 21,2007 2:38am - Aegathis ""]
MetalThursday said:pam said:Yeti said:sucks that the crowd was small, i wonder if the 2 days per month are taking away from the desire to go.

That's what everyone was saying last night.

It's a work in progress... it took the better part of a year to build a good-sized regular crowd for one show a month, it might take some time to get the attendance up for two. I think it's worth pursuing. The best thing is for regulars to bring new people with them so they turn into MT junkies just like them.

yea Ive seen a good part of the whole Metal Thursday crowd decide to not show up any more since last summer.
[Jul 21,2007 9:40am - diamond_dave ""]
i'd rather have 20 or so people like the ones at this show than 100 just standing there staring at me, though. seriously, so much fun.
[Jul 21,2007 3:58pm - horror_tang ""]
"So, have you been drinking tonight."
[Jul 21,2007 5:00pm - pam ""]
Kevord said:I'm still hungover from last night and I never get hungover. Were they surving super PBR's last night?

Fucking seriously! I NEVER get hungover, at most I get a headache, but nothing else. It took Fishcakes giving me a super vicodin last night to finally make me feel better.

And I feel a bit shitty today, too. Gay.

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