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Is this album fucking under rated or what?

[Jul 9,2007 7:32pm - CNV  ""]
[Jul 9,2007 7:41pm - JDDomination ""]
this entire band is underrated because they are slow, truly the most balls out band with the heaviest riffing
[Jul 9,2007 7:42pm - Scene Police!  ""]
It's probably the last good one they did...
[Jul 9,2007 8:11pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Love that CD, totally underrated.

I have the poster in my bedroom.
[Jul 9,2007 8:20pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
whats their best cd?...i've been meaning to check them out...
[Jul 9,2007 8:21pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
highly underrated
[Jul 9,2007 8:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You can get "Into The Grave" + "Tremendous Pain" on 1 CD and "You'll Never See" + "And Here I Die... Satisfied" on 1 CD, I sell them for $12.00 each.
[Jul 9,2007 8:49pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Awesome fucking band. I mourn that I've never seen them.
[Jul 9,2007 9:05pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I had been hearing them for years but never really got into them until I saw them live. Now I don't know how I lived without them. The newest CD is sooooo fucking heavy. It's amazing what good production quality will do for an old school death metal band.
[Jul 9,2007 9:25pm - SW  ""]
love that album and this fuckin band, they are def under rated
[Jul 9,2007 9:27pm - fishcakes ""]
fucking GRAVE! one of my all time favorite bands:doublehorns:
[Jul 9,2007 9:28pm - FleshFries ""]
good shit
[Jul 9,2007 11:43pm - Conservationist ""]
No, I hail Atrocity, Fleshcrawl, Therion and Suffer however.
[Jul 9,2007 11:57pm - Ryan_M ""]
Never heard Soulless, but I have the first 2 albums and they are fuckin killer shit.
[Jul 10,2007 4:00am - CNV  ""]
Bitches leave
[Jul 10,2007 8:50am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 10,2007 9:53am - C.DEAD  ""]
Sorry, don't like this record to much. Its a snoozefest. But, you can't deny the first two records being some of the best Swede death ever.

Also, the band Putrefaction which is basically Grave as well is awesome. They had one tape and totally ruled.

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