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White people hatin' on Negroes

[Jul 10,2007 3:22pm - NIGGER ""]
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said "Hate is Not a Family Value." After contemplating this false dichotomy dividing human choices into two simplistic categories, I saw through it, to where it and I agree. I'm not a big fan of hatred.

The writer Tom Wolfe refers to liberalism as "a fashion" and in my experience he's correct. It is not a fully developed ideology, but the kind of emotional reaction that divides the world into hate and non-hate. It is not a belief system for thinkers, but for harried distracted people who want to do well and have no idea where to begin.

While many will attack liberals, I think it's fair instead to say that they are misguided, and to explain to them where I agree with their emotions and not their solutions. After all, I agree with liberals on the basics of the their creed: we should treat people fairly, and prevent a larcenous wealthy minority from exploiting them.

What I don't agree with are the emotional tantrums that develop from that, such as a hatred of anyone who is born more favored by nature, or an insidious desire to work against any majority in the name of "equality." I don't support their conception of revenge against those who are getting ahead through the mechanism of saddling them with parasites.

Read more >> by [URL=http://www.nazi.org/community/columns/smith/]Craig Smith
[Jul 10,2007 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
i'm Mr. Burns
blah blah blah
do this do that
blah blah blah
[Jul 10,2007 4:28pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Is this Infoterror or is he Conservationist?
[Jul 10,2007 4:35pm - IMMOLATION  ""]
This is Infoterror, doesnt he ever get tired of talking so much shit?????
[Jul 10,2007 4:53pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Is this Infoterror or is he Conservationist?

It's all the same person.
[Jul 10,2007 11:55pm - Dankill  ""]
Fuck this babble. All I got out of it is the Tom Wolfe rules, which is true.
[Jul 11,2007 12:14am - IMMOLATION  ""]
[Jul 11,2007 12:15am - IMMOLATION  ""]
[Jul 11,2007 12:15am - IMMOLATION  ""]
[Jul 11,2007 12:16am - IMMOLATION  ""]
<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://vid84.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid84.photobucket.com/albums/k32/zykloned/Craziestwhitemanever.flv"></embed>
[Jul 11,2007 11:06am - thegreatspaldino ""]
black people hate more than white people. chris rock even said it best.

"who's more racist? black people or white people?... black people. because we hate black people too..."

people hate on black people because of stupid fucking gangsta bullshit. if they kept out of trouble there would be no reason to hate. i hate anyone thats a fucking stupid gangsta piece of shit, whether the person is white, black, asian, hispanic, or middle eastern. it doesnt matter to me. if you act like a fuckwad, i will hate you.

people think that metal people are ridiculous when they let the music run their lifestyle... just look at rap. anyone that takes rap too seriously is a fucking joke. they look like clowns, and act like felons. they think "whitey" is after them... well guess what? they are! because you do stupid fucking shit that gets you into trouble with the law. end of story. your actions perpetuates the bullshit and if you just stopped acting like a fucking douchebag, and didnt like... you know... break any laws... then there would be no reason to act like the white man is after you.
[Jul 11,2007 11:10am - Anthny  ""]
True Spalding, but some laws are fucking dumb. Weed should be legal.
[Jul 11,2007 11:35am - thegreatspaldino ""]
that isnt what i meant by "breaking laws". im talking about illegally carrying weapons, robbery, graffiti, assault, killing people... any stupid, superficial gang bullshit. its so funny seeing people like that in Waltham and stuff... YOU LIVE IN A WELL OFF SUBURB OF BOSTON. YOU DONT LIVE IN A GHETTO. THERE IS NOTHING TO BE ANGRY ABOUT. seriously.
[Jul 11,2007 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
it's only illegal if you get caught
[Jul 11,2007 11:46am - amenkid  ""]
no problem with blacks,latinos whatever. i hate gangsta "niggaz" as much as i hate nazi skinheads or any other tough guy assholes.

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