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[Jul 10,2007 11:37pm - Bobby_D_from_ult  ""]
why? Allow me to explain. Latly the music scene is getting swamped with this shitty bands which consist of posers wearing tight pants and small shirts all because their favorite bands are and then they go as far as making a shit band which just rips off every band thats getting the most myspace scene girl buzz. All so they can get inbetween the legs of scene girl america. The requirments to join these bands is tight cloths and no shame in ripping off the greats and the local bands with the most myspace plays. Ok, YES I WEAR TIGHT CLOTHS, but it has nothing to do with my image as a musician, it has to do with my preference in style. I did the local "grind experimental" bullshit. I felt like a poser the whole time. I felt reawakened when i found a band that fit what i have always been about METAL. But w/e enough of me and back to gay buttfucking scene grind std infested bands. I feel like we should all do whats true, whats in our hearts, and dress the way we do because its how we dress, not because it helps our band image which gets the band more scene slut action which in turn get toolbag guys to follow the band around cause they want a peice of the action too. Music is a sound NOT AN IMAGE. Im sure im about to get alot of the regulars on this site to hate on me because they always do, but this is how i feel and i needed to get it off my back. thx
[Jul 10,2007 11:39pm - blue ""]
you care too much.
[Jul 10,2007 11:41pm - archaeon ""]
man you really cleared it up for me, i thought it was about the image! lolz

[Jul 10,2007 11:51pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
What's so bad about butt fucking?

And being gay is normal, you can make great music...

And it's estimated that 20% of the people in the United States has an STD, and an even greater number has one but doesn't know it
[Jul 10,2007 11:52pm - RichHorror ""]
Pansy Division are pretty cool.
[Jul 10,2007 11:53pm - Bobby_D_from_ult  ""]
dude you always have the best come backs, i wish i could shake your hand. you are the most literal person on this board
[Jul 10,2007 11:58pm - jesus ""]
nobody asked why. nobody cared
[Jul 10,2007 11:58pm - the_reverend ""]

oh and all your STDs belong to Rich's Herpe-fetish.
[Jul 10,2007 11:59pm - RichHorror ""]
I miss her. :(
[Jul 10,2007 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
*bites tongue*
[Jul 11,2007 12:02am - RichHorror ""]
If you draw blood I'll pay you twenty bucks and an order of spring rolls to make out with you.
[Jul 11,2007 12:04am - random handjobs  ""]
tight pants cause yeast infections. funny. I don't remember clicking on some a-hole's live journal entry, yet... here I am...
[Jul 11,2007 12:05am - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 11,2007 12:11am - 'lakff' ;b  ""]
hey bobby d, what the fuck is this "ult" that you are from? if you are any good maybe it's ok for you to talk shit.. but chances are you suck just like the bands you're bitching about.
[Jul 11,2007 12:15am - Bobby_D  ""]
i cant beleive im getting this much shit talk when im trying to make a point that its about the music not the image. Here iam trying to prove a point with my friend here that bands dont just make it because of how good they look, so i resort to rttp, assuming that you guys would agree with, but instead you hate on me, every fucking time i swear to god
[Jul 11,2007 12:16am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
You should use the search feature to find about 1,000,000,000 other threads saying the same thing

plus being anonymous just means your worried what people will say, so there's that...
[Jul 11,2007 12:23am - Bobby_D  ""]
im Bobby D i sing in under lying truth, i dont give a shit what people have to say about ME. But this wasnt suppose to be about me it was suppose to be about a point i was trying to make. And thats it.
[Jul 11,2007 12:50am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 11,2007 1:06am - jonny8pins  ""]
ironically enough i agree with you,problem is its been like this since 1985 or so and kids like you are the ones people who actually know what the fuck they're talking about blame for it,grind, pfft gimme a fuckin break
[Jul 11,2007 1:07am - the_reverend ""]
ogm... you are back...
[Jul 11,2007 1:07am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hahaha...post 8 million and 3 about the state of the scene
[Jul 11,2007 1:08am - jonny8pins  ""]
i promise i'll behave ;}
[Jul 11,2007 1:11am - joeycobra ""]
I had no IDEA kids were blatantly ripping off bands and passing it off as something fresh and new......thanks I was seriously in the dark

I'm sorry I had to give you shit for pointing out something I've been aware of for years. At a past place of employment where compact discs were sold, some little waste of sperm was purchasing a disc by some metalcore band...and he was wearing a chariot shirt so I recommended he buy a Botch cd. He replied by saying he didn't care. This really bugged me, I feel like you can't be wearing a shirt of a band that is blatant coalesce/botch worship and not at LEAST respect them.

[Jul 11,2007 1:12am - the_reverend ""]
is this mean pam?

[Jul 11,2007 1:14am - the_reverend ""]
I can't believe I've been quoting this and no one picked up on it.

[Jul 11,2007 2:38am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Those band names rule!
[Jul 11,2007 2:45am - ZenErik ""]
[Jul 11,2007 3:00am - Samantha ""]
[Jul 11,2007 3:06am - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 11,2007 4:00am - CNV  ""]
The key word here is "scene" because "scenes" are fucking laced with latent homo faggotry and "scenes" = social affirmations, kinda like trying to fit in high school and "scenes" are the biggest enemies of true art

My advice to you is

A. Grind is gay
B. cities suck and move out quick
C. do not hang out with scenes

and D. - Then maybe, just maybe someone could create something of true value instead of trying to jerk a scene off

scenes= faggotry
[Jul 11,2007 8:18am - xmikex ""]
blue said:you care too much.

Seriously, this whole thing smacks of effort.

I didn't even think people still did the whole girlpants thing. I thought it was all pop punk kids trying to be yo yos. Contemporize maaaan.
[Jul 11,2007 9:20am - aaron_michael ""]
*yawn* next complaint, please.
[Jul 11,2007 9:23am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
aaron_michael said:*yawn* next complaint, please.

i lost my mp3 player last night after buying it 3 days ago.


[Jul 11,2007 9:29am - aaron_michael ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:aaron_michael said:*yawn* next complaint, please.

i lost my mp3 player last night after buying it 3 days ago.


try your couch cushions or under your car seats.
dead serious, I had a Chromatic Tuner a while back and it vanished from my kitchen table. 3 days later I found it in my dog's house under her blanket. Fuckin pooch.
[Jul 11,2007 9:32am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
That would be sweet but I lost it during my show last night... i'm fairly certain it fell out of my pocket and someone jacked it. luckily i bought insurance for it which apparently doesnt cover lost/stolen mechandise. This sucks.
[Jul 11,2007 10:11am - timjohn  ""]
this is just sad. musicians are in it for the music. anyone else i couldn't care less about.
[Jul 11,2007 10:13am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
My mp3 player fell out of my car and cracked the LCD now I can only HEAR the music and am unable to browse files.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...THE 40GB IPOD SHUFFLE!
[Jul 11,2007 10:17am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck i'm just gonna get a fuckin Boombox and some D batteries.


[Jul 11,2007 11:13am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Bobby_D said:i cant beleive im getting this much shit talk [SNIP] i resort to rttp, assuming that you guys would agree with, but instead you hate on me, every fucking time i swear to god

Exactly what site did you think you were posting on?

the_reverend said:is this mean pam?

This girl is strikingly ugly.
[Jul 11,2007 11:14am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
the_reverend said:I LIKE RAP


[Jul 11,2007 11:17am - metal_church101 ""]
LOL. 40GB IPOD shuffles work. WOnder how long it will take me to convert my 30GB IPOD into a shuffle only.
[Jul 11,2007 11:39am - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:is this mean pam?

This girl is strikingly ugly.

Yeah... I know it's not Pam, but I'm not sure if it's female. Or human.
[Jul 12,2007 5:40pm - ..  ""]
This kid just joins a band that pretty much sucks. Thinks what he is doing is true, BUT they sound like every other job for a cowboy band around. BUT they arnt anywhere near as tight. Eat shit for trying to be true. If your true you really dont need to prove it anal leak.

And im not saying i dont agree with what your saying but please still eat shit.
[Jul 12,2007 7:40pm - jimistolazytologin  ""]
Bobby_D_from_ult said:why? Allow me to explain. Latly the music scene is getting swamped with this shitty bands which consist of posers wearing tight pants and small shirts all because their favorite bands are and then they go as far as making a shit band which just rips off every band thats getting the most myspace scene girl buzz. All so they can get inbetween the legs of scene girl america. The requirments to join these bands is tight cloths and no shame in ripping off the greats and the local bands with the most myspace plays. Ok, YES I WEAR TIGHT CLOTHS, but it has nothing to do with my image as a musician, it has to do with my preference in style. I did the local "grind experimental" bullshit. I felt like a poser the whole time. I felt reawakened when i found a band that fit what i have always been about METAL. But w/e enough of me and back to gay buttfucking scene grind std infested bands. I feel like we should all do whats true, whats in our hearts, and dress the way we do because its how we dress, not because it helps our band image which gets the band more scene slut action which in turn get toolbag guys to follow the band around cause they want a peice of the action too. Music is a sound NOT AN IMAGE. Im sure im about to get alot of the regulars on this site to hate on me because they always do, but this is how i feel and i needed to get it off my back. thx

[Jul 12,2007 7:41pm - jimistolazytologin  ""]
woops. but yeah, that stuff was never grind to begin with.
[Jul 12,2007 8:02pm - immortal13 ""]
Are people still bothering to reply to this thread? We all know he's a little bitchy and needs to get the sand out of his vagina, but now it's getting pointless.

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