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Central Florida Shows?

[Jul 16,2007 10:35am - -ism  ""]
Does anyone know of any good websites that list hardcore shows for central florida?
My parents are moving down to there so when i go to visit them i want to be able to go to shows.
[Jul 16,2007 12:07pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
anything with the suffix -core generates dislike in me. And not through sheer virtue of the word, through hearing enough things tagged with it to register it as shite in my ears.

Florida...Only thing I know musically is that they have a good black metal scene or something like that.
[Jul 16,2007 12:31pm - Ryan_Noseworthy ""]
I lived in Central Florida for a little while this year, and I had a really hard time finding anything to do with local shows anywhere, I went to the big shows at the Hard Rock and stuff, but they were always super lame, and then those stopped when I got kicked out of the Hard Rock for life, I think the most you can do is check central FL band's myspace pages...
[Jul 16,2007 12:51pm - -ism  ""]
Thansk everyone who replied... i did find one good myspace page that lists some decent shows in Florida.

[Jul 16,2007 12:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I will have a website for it at some point soon-ish.
[Jul 16,2007 1:04pm - -ism  ""]
awesome rev, I cant wait!
[Jul 16,2007 1:06pm - timjohn  ""]
the_reverend said:I will have a website for it at some point soon-ish.

[Jul 16,2007 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
ask your wife.
[Jul 16,2007 1:50pm - timjohn  ""]
yeah in case you haven't noticed, she isn't "with us anymore," if you will
[Jul 16,2007 3:15pm - powerkok ""]
Im in SW Fla, and have yet to see ANY metal shows around here.
But Andrew Dice Clay just performed at a small fish resturaunt, in Marco Island......
[Jul 16,2007 3:34pm - CNV  ""]
I know there is a club in Orlando that has an occasional show (cannot remember the name)... Most of the metal and hardcore shows that come through florida are at the Brass Mug (Tampa) and The Culture room (Ft Lauderdale).
[Jul 16,2007 3:36pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm going to Florida next month to see my Fat Cripple Jew. Morbid Angel, Black Witchery and Negative Plane are playing a hush-hush concerto in my honor.
[Jul 16,2007 4:44pm - xanonymousx ""]
check the state theater in st. petersburg maybe.

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