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Looking for a new band

[Jul 17,2007 4:26pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'm not in Apsiody anymore for reasons I don't care to explain.

So, I'm a vocalist looking for a band in the Dover/Rochester/Somersworth/Portsmouth area. I have show experience and been in a studio. Great stage presence.

Hit me up on myspace.com/phinnus, AIM: TheLatterRain777 or email: TheLatterRain777@yahoo.com.

[Jul 17,2007 4:47pm - Niccolai ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I'm not in Apsiody anymore for reasons I don't care to explain.

The reason you're no longer in that band might be relevant to any other bands that are considering having you try out.
[Jul 17,2007 4:52pm - ZJD ""]
Are you just out or did your band break up? If you know other musicians looking for a new band, I'm always looking for people. I've posted on here before about bringing a metal project I've been doing by myself to life, but I have nobody else at this point so vocals are really the least important element to get stuff going. Still, it's not like I have those either. Anyway, this is what I'm talking about, myspace.com/zombiejesusdefecation. The name is obviously a joke and wouldn't be kept with real musicians, so just ignore that. I'm in Southern NH.

You should also provide a link to Apsiody recordings so people know what you sound like.
[Jul 17,2007 4:54pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Basically because they aren't man enough to face their problems with me. My guitarist and I fought a lot because our personalities clash which isn't always a bad thing for other people but with him, everything is exaggerated.

I'm a music perfectionist but I'm not controlling. They were always asking my opinion about stuff so I gave it to them. It's not my fault they have so much sand in their vagina that they couldn't just deal with my opinions.

Bottom line, we didn't get along.
[Jul 17,2007 4:55pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

The recordings are old. I lowered my screams an octave since then to better the sound and my voice.
[Jul 17,2007 4:57pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
ZJD said:Are you just out or did your band break up? If you know other musicians looking for a new band, I'm always looking for people. I've posted on here before about bringing a metal project I've been doing by myself to life, but I have nobody else at this point so vocals are really the least important element to get stuff going. Still, it's not like I have those either. Anyway, this is what I'm talking about, myspace.com/zombiejesusdefecation. The name is obviously a joke and wouldn't be kept with real musicians, so just ignore that. I'm in Southern NH.

You should also provide a link to Apsiody recordings so people know what you sound like.

I'm just out.

Apparently, they've been trying out people behind my back. Like I said, they weren't man enough to face me and just talk things out. Instead they took the easy road by just throwing me away. I'm the one that got us our shows.
[Jul 17,2007 5:00pm - ZJD ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:
I'm just out.

Apparently, they've been trying out people behind my back. Like I said, they weren't man enough to face me and just talk things out. Instead they took the easy road by just throwing me away. I'm the one that got us our shows.

Well I mostly asked to know if you had other musicians that also wanted to do stuff.
[Jul 17,2007 5:18pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 17,2007 5:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
welcome to the music business.
[Jul 17,2007 8:50pm - CTB Not Logged In  ""]
ZJD said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:
I'm just out.

Apparently, they've been trying out people behind my back. Like I said, they weren't man enough to face me and just talk things out. Instead they took the easy road by just throwing me away. I'm the one that got us our shows.

Well I mostly asked to know if you had other musicians that also wanted to do stuff.

I don't have anyone yet. TECHNICALLY, I'm in another band called Heidinn but it's just a little Viking/Black/Thrash Metal side project. I need a band that's already doing stuff that I can just jump right into.

I messaged Secada.
[Jul 18,2007 7:41pm - kyle NlI  ""]
''I need a band thats already doing stuff that I can just jump right into''ctb 2007

this is why I hate singers
and might be the reason your not in a band anymore....lazy asshole.
[Jul 18,2007 8:16pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Shut up. You know how hard it is trying to establish something of your own when no one in your town is any good at anything? You don't think I've already tried?

And no, it's not the reason I'm not in the band anymore.

Are you playing in a band? If not, then shut your mouth.
[Jul 19,2007 11:59am - kyle NlI  ""]
If they went as far to try out new people behind your back you have to be some huge asshole.
[Jul 19,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
nah thats not necessarily true. many people in the world would rather a problem fizzle itself out than face it. sounds to me like CTB had the right idea by expressing an honest opinion about the music.

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