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Sep 15 (Sat) - Obituary, Alabama Thuderpussy, Hemlock, Full Blown Chaos, Skulltoboggan, 6PM, General/$25, VIP/$55 - ADC Performance Center (Southbridge, MA)

Saturday, September 15 - OBITUARY, Alabama Thuderpussy, Hemlock, Full Blown Chaos, Skulltoboggan

ADC Music Center (Southbridge, Ma) - [alabama_thunderpussy][full_blown_chaos][hemlock][obituary][randomshots][skulltoboggan]
[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jul 25,2007 5:20am - Samantha ""]
Obituary, Alabama Thuderpussy, Hemlock, Full Blown Chaos, Skulltoboggan
Doors @ 6PM / Show @ 6:30PM
Tickets: General/$25, VIP/$55

ADC Performance Center
18 Mill St.
Southbridge, MA
[Jul 25,2007 6:28am - da chief  ""]
[Jul 25,2007 7:39am - Anthny  ""]
I need to go to this... Kyle Thomas!
[Jul 25,2007 8:11am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 25,2007 8:12am - xmikex ""]
Where can I get tickets to this?
[Jul 25,2007 8:16am - archaeon ""]
what a terrible line up, god damn.
[Jul 25,2007 9:51am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
What Hemlock is this? Oh well, it'll be worth sitting through these shitty bands to see OBITUARY.
[Jul 25,2007 10:12am - c.dead  ""]
I don't its Hemlock the true. Doubtful, very much so.
[Jul 25,2007 10:33am - Yeti ""]
that is a horrendous lineup. how the fuck does gay ass Alabama Thunderpussy accent Obituary in any way shape or form? fucking retards. why dont the people who book this shit do some research and figure out local acts that will help add to the whole atmosphere?
[Jul 25,2007 10:36am - Anthny  ""]
What's wrong with ATP? Kyle fucking Thomas is singing for them now too. Mega bonus.
[Jul 25,2007 10:39am - Yeti ""]
personally i can't stand them, but with that aside i don't think they are the right band for Obituary.
[Jul 25,2007 10:43am - Anthny  ""]
Ehhh maybe I would give a shit if it was 1991 and Obituary had a weird lineup supporting them but they're too washed up for me to care now. Still interested in checking them out but I think the magic is looong gone. I've seen footage of oldschool Obit. shows where it's so crazy that dudes are stagediving like every 10 seconds... I have a feeling the performance at this point is just gonna be dull.
[Jul 25,2007 11:18am - archaeon ""]
Anthny said:Ehhh maybe I would give a shit if it was 1991 and Obituary had a weird lineup supporting them but they're too washed up for me to care now. Still interested in checking them out but I think the magic is looong gone. I've seen footage of oldschool Obit. shows where it's so crazy that dudes are stagediving like every 10 seconds... I have a feeling the performance at this point is just gonna be dull.

I don't know man. I've heard very good things about Obituary's live performances in recent years.

I've never even heard ATP but based on that name i assumed they were shitty.
[Jul 25,2007 11:32am - Anthny  ""]
ATP? They're great. If you don't like southern hard rock/metal you might find them boring. I love that style so they're good with me.

Good to hear Obit are still killing it.
[Jul 25,2007 1:35pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
I think Alabama Thunderpussy are great, but I do kinda agree with people saying this is a weird lineup. It's gonna be an awkward show.
[Jul 25,2007 1:41pm - inject-now ""]
c.dead said:I don't its Hemlock the true. Doubtful, very much so.

it's not the real hemlock.

pretty sure this other hemlock is a nu-metal band from las vegas.

what a stupid tour this is.
[Jul 25,2007 1:42pm - archaeon ""]
[Jul 25,2007 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
Skulltobbogan is also a terrible choice. i have nothing against the band at all, but they should be far away from an Obituary show. how about putting Sexcrement on it?
[Jul 25,2007 6:56pm - anonymous  ""]
Skulltobbogan asure them a hometown favorite
[Jul 25,2007 8:24pm - Whoremastery ""]
Anthny said:I need to go to this... Kyle Thomas!

[Jul 25,2007 8:30pm - archaeon ""]
Yeti said:Skulltobbogan is also a terrible choice. i have nothing against the band at all, but they should be far away from an Obituary show. how about putting Sexcrement on it?

sexcrement would make more sense. any givin Florida DM influenced band would make the most sense. like Mortalis......

[Jul 25,2007 8:56pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
New OBITUARY is pretty killer. This show is a weird as hell line up, but should be good none the less. I like diverse line ups, they can either work well in drawing people, or people will think it is too weird a line up and not show.
[Jul 26,2007 1:57am - Samantha ""]
As weird as it is, my friend who is selling tickets to this told me that all of the bands except for Skulltoboggan are part of the tour package.
[Jul 26,2007 4:14pm - HailAtWork  ""]
full blown chaos and skulltoboggan are on this, for some fucking reason...and you're bitching about ATP? Give me a fucking break...
[Aug 4,2007 7:04pm - BrianDBB ""]
$55 VIP?
[Aug 13,2007 9:45am - SH*T Band HATER  ""]
Skulltobbogan: A hometown favorite?? Whose favorite, they just plain SUCK. I had the (dis)pleasure of seeing them in Fitchburg about 3 months ago and they are...NOT GOOD. Wow, blowjobs had to have been in order to get them on any bill. Great closing tune: "F*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck, Kill Kill Kill Kill" what a frigging sh*tty joke band.
[Sep 15,2007 2:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving in like a couple minutes for this
[Sep 15,2007 2:35pm - blue ""]
skulltoboggan is opening this. is this a kenny lanning production?
[Sep 15,2007 6:07pm - xmikex ""]
Totally forgot about this show and it starts in a half hour.

Maybe if someone actually fucking promoted it... If I was in a local band playing with Obituary I'd make sure the whole goddamn planet knew about this. This thread hasn't been bumped since August 13th. What a fucking joke. Bands and promoters like this deserve to have their shows fail. It's a goddamn shame though that Obituary and FBC have to get dragged into it too. What a pile of shit.
[Sep 15,2007 6:11pm - xmikex ""]
archaeon said:http://www.myspace.com/hemlock

The guitar tone on that recording sounds like absolute ass. It's infuriating because you know they paid a thousand fucking dollars to have the thing recorded and mastered. It sounds like they're playing out of a Playskool tape player shut in a drawer somewhere.

Everything about this show pisses me off.
[Sep 15,2007 6:15pm - xmikex ""]

I stand corrected... there is in fact a flyer for the Obituary show on the Skulltoboggan myspace page. In between a banner ad for "Rage Rock Radio" and a flyer for a show with them and Wretched Asylum.

How did I EVER miss that???
[Sep 15,2007 6:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I was changing channels on the radio, spaced the exit and added 30 miles to my drive. yeah!
[Sep 15,2007 6:58pm - Samantha ""]
xmikex said:Totally forgot about this show and it starts in a half hour.

Maybe if someone actually fucking promoted it... If I was in a local band playing with Obituary I'd make sure the whole goddamn planet knew about this. This thread hasn't been bumped since August 13th. What a fucking joke. Bands and promoters like this deserve to have their shows fail. It's a goddamn shame though that Obituary and FBC have to get dragged into it too. What a pile of shit.

I definitely have to agree with you here. I don't know much about who put this show together, but I think they could have done a lot more to promote this show. I only found out about the show because a friend of mine was selling tickets.

If they had booked more appropriate opening bands (like some local acts who would be thrilled to open for Obituary), I'm sure there would have been more promotion from the bands.
[Sep 15,2007 7:09pm - SkinSandwich ""]
FUCK! I would have taken my son to this show. He digs Obit.
[Sep 15,2007 8:37pm - the_reverend ""]

This building is weird and there are probably 30-50 people here. The room is a large function hall with thin columns place in rows ever 10 feet. There are also xmas lights on the ceiling.

skulltoboggan: they sounded a lot better than they did at the palladium show. I never posted from the last show, but it was the same singer. He has the whitest teeth ever. I don't know if you can see them this time, but the last show they were that "wow" bright. I 'm not too into the scissorfight stile, but their songs are catchy. It was the same set list as the palladium show.

hemlock:they are a little more "hardcore" than the CD. The CD is more glossy death metal. Live, there are a lot more moshy hooks to their songs live than on CD. Good, but different. Sort of reminds me of some of the deathmetal coming out of the mid-west in the early 00's.
[Sep 15,2007 9:10pm - the_reverend ""]
full blown chaos: they put on a really great set even though there weren't many people here and only a tiny bro-mosh went on. They played some newer songs that I didn't know, but played their top 3 older songs. Ray obviously indulged in too much of the buffet and suffered for it on stage.

I figured out what is so vip about the vip section. It basically means you can sit down. The view from that section is severely limited, but that is the section of the function room where the parents and family of the wedding would go.
[Sep 15,2007 11:21pm - the_reverend ""]
Alabama Thuderpussy: I haven't seen them fo a wicked long time. When they hit the stage, I definitely didn't know them with this singer. The old singer had long hair and this guy's hair was all short. It's not like people's hair becomes short over night. All the songs they played were newer ones, except for the one cover they did of judas priest. The set was really good and all, but a little long. Especially after the 50minutes or set up time.
[Sep 15,2007 11:24pm - diamond_dave ""]
the_reverend said:Alabama Thuderpussy: I haven't seen them fo a wicked long time. When they hit the stage, I definitely didn't know them with this singer. The old singer had long hair and this guy's hair was all short. It's not like people's hair becomes short over night. All the songs they played were newer ones, except for the one cover they did of judas priest. The set was really good and all, but a little long. Especially after the 50minutes or set up time.

that's the dude from Exhorder
[Sep 15,2007 11:35pm - I_am_not_me ""]
Haha, before even clicking the thread I knew it was at the ADC, just when I saw Skulltoboggan. Wish I wasn't too broke to go to this, been wanting to catch Obituary for the longest time.

And whoa, the guy from Exhorder's doing vox for Alabama Thunderpussy?
[Sep 16,2007 1:17am - Bloodsoaked  ""]
I saw this show in Raleigh, NC last Monday and I could have cared lass about all the bands accept Obituary. Obituary killed!!! I have not seen them since about 1992-1993. This was my 3rd or 4th time seeing Obituary and they were just as good not as they were almost 20 years ago. John Tardy has the best Death Metal vocals of all time!!!
[Sep 16,2007 2:18am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I drank way too much tonight
[Sep 16,2007 2:50am - the_reverend ""]
dftg was in rare form. he didnt "no homo" a single thing all night
[Sep 16,2007 3:04am - Pompus ass  ""]
Craig Gaumund, singer from skulltoboggan runs dirtnap entertainment. Dirtnap is the "booking" company that puts together these shows at the ADC.
Obviously he is going to put his band on every bill.
Weather they fit or not.
Craig is trying to make things happen. Give the ladd some credit if you can.
He is putting effort in, it's just that his efforts are more based around self indulgence and an inflated sense of self importance.
But what can you do?
Suck or not, they are not local hero's!
Great guy's, funny bastards but fucking terrible none the less.
They have absolutly no buisness being on any of these shows
{Testament, Obituary, Agnostic front...etc etc...} But
there they are.
Maybe Ill start a "booking" company.
Atleast he doesnt put his own band on right before the headliners.
He is also about 46 years old.
Good for him.
[Sep 16,2007 3:05am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 16,2007 3:47am - xmikex ""]
Piss on this show.
[Sep 16,2007 3:52am - the_reverend ""]
my cat pissed on the floor.
[Sep 16,2007 6:11am - Samantha ""]
the_reverend said:my cat pissed on the floor.

My cat does that, too. She gets inside of the litter box, but she sticks her butt up so high that her stream of pee is aimed at the floor in front of the box. Then, she looks all confused when she realizes that there is no pee to bury inside of the litter box, like it magically disappeared or something. Sometimes, she finds the pee on the floor and proceeds to kick a mountain of cat litter on top of it in order to bury her urine. Her behavior is fascinating.
[Sep 16,2007 7:40am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
the_reverend said:dftg was in rare form. he didnt "no homo" a single thing all night

From what I can remember, I didn't "homo" anything either.
[Sep 16,2007 12:28pm - izod  ""]
Obituary fucking killed!!!

I got there in the middle of FBC.... they are as i expected, a Hatebreed Metalcore Doppleganger. They were tight, but typical - with lines like "alright i want everyone to turn around and punch the person behind you". What a fucking bone head! And that is a verbatim Jamie Jasta line too (another knuckle head BTW).

Personally I like ATP and i thought they sounded great, but i too was like "WTF" when i heard the line up. I think they played too long (it seemd longer than Obituary's set).

Obituary is far from washed up. They sounded awesome! There was maybe 60 people there by the time they went on (in a several hundred person venue), and everyone was into it... but it would have been all that much better if the show was packed.... the energy is just not the same.... very dissapointing. I hope they had other dates that rocked and they realize they were playing in the middle of frickin' no where (being one reason for the dismal attendance), because i want them to play around here again soon and not be too discouraged.

Allen West gets out of jail in 2008..... that will be reason for another tour! The replacement guitarist could shred... but it seemd to me that there were a couple of (barely) noticeable stumbles during their set that could be attriduted to him.
[Sep 16,2007 1:12pm - xmikex ""]
Really wish I could have seen Obituary. and I really really wish whoever put this show on didn't treat it like $3 PBR night at Smitty's Tavern. What a total disrespect to one of the greatest metal bands ever. Awful Awful Awful.
[Sep 16,2007 3:33pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I was passed out for most of atp's set
[Sep 16,2007 3:53pm - archaeon ""]
the turn out was pathetic, but it was a fun show none the less i watcehd the first band then just chill outside in the "smoking area" with some drunk fucks and Neo-nazis until Obituary came on. they we're nasty as hell. Tardys voice will always be the same, good shit.

"hey mom, theres a kid here in suffocation shirt whose mom wouldn't let him see obituary when he was 8 too"
[Sep 16,2007 8:44pm - goatcatalyst ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:I was passed out for most of atp's set

you are a great man
[Sep 17,2007 8:15am - immortal13 ""]
I'm pretty sure FBC was pissed at the turnout because Dirtnap never promotes shit.
[Sep 17,2007 10:29am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
archaeon said:the turn out was pathetic, but it was a fun show none the less i watcehd the first band then just chill outside in the "smoking area" with some drunk fucks and Neo-nazis until Obituary came on. they we're nasty as hell. Tardys voice will always be the same, good shit.

"hey mom, theres a kid here in suffocation shirt whose mom wouldn't let him see obituary when he was 8 too"

Hahahaha, the guys from Flesh Supremacy were awesome.
[Sep 17,2007 4:26pm - Jacky ""]
I totally agree that the turn out was pathedic. However, the show ruled. My taste dictated my interest, therefore I wasn't too into the other bands(besides my all time favorite: Obituary that is). Musically, they were all good. Alabama Thunder Pussy did an excellent Priest cover of "Saints in Hell."

I was one of 6 people who paid the extra money for VIP tickets. Even though it was a pretty ghetto set up with whole VIP it was worth it to me. I got to meet Trevor, Ralph and Frank who were awesome guys. I got the distinct impression that they were told last minute about having indulge us with their prescence. However, they were really cool. We had whiskey shots with them and me and my 2 associates decied keep it brief. Last thing I would want to do after playing a long show to virtually no one is having to indulge fans and pose for pictures.

The quality of Obituary's performance was excellent! I was actually very happy that the show was as small as it was because I was as close to the band I have absolutely loved for since I was fifteen years old at their show, as I have been to my friends that play in bands at their shows. It was very surreal in the most terrific way!
[Sep 18,2007 3:41pm - christopher  ""]
I saw Testament there. I like the place, but it was weird. It could be a good venue if they would actually promote it more east. When I saw Testament it had a good turn out, but with a hall that size I can imagine how puny 30-50 must of looked like.

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