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I hate people with cancer.

[Jul 30,2007 12:56am - Niccolai ""]
[Jul 30,2007 12:57am - RichHorror ""]
I instantly showed this to my friend who grew up in Whitman, home to awful excuses for human garbage.
[Jul 30,2007 1:01am - RichHorror ""]
If anyone other than myself or Niccolai laughs at that picture, you're a fucking asshole who will no doubt spend the rest of eternity as Satan's condom.
[Jul 30,2007 1:03am - todayistheday nli  ""]
lol at threadmaker..the kid who complains about every litle thing..
[Jul 30,2007 1:11am - Niccolai ""]
Like people with cancer?
[Jul 30,2007 7:19am - deadlikemurf ""]
that's not cancer boy.. it's just rich horror inventing the iNosePod in 1985
[Jul 30,2007 8:14am - Keithnli  ""]
i was sent this via aim, and saw it when i woke up, my immediate responce was to start laughing and choke on my drink, good work.
[Jul 31,2007 3:18am - Niccolai ""]
Did you know thing can change? things'll go your way
if you hoooooooold on for one more day.
[Jul 31,2007 3:21am - murph nli  ""]
Keithnli said:i was sent this via aim, and saw it when i woke up, my immediate responce was to start laughing and choke on my drink, good work.

me too.

Nickle-eye, your love for Wilson Phillips leaves me speechless.

Fuck those hoes, especially the gastric bypass bitch.

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