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I like Alexisonfire's new album

[Aug 4,2007 7:59pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

Good stuff.
[Aug 4,2007 8:18pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
more like alextouchesd00dz
[Aug 4,2007 9:40pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Aug 5,2007 10:02am - murph nli  ""]
CTB, I have to say, whoever does the singing in that band has an awesome voice.

I don't think I've heard a song from them in the past 5 years I haven't liked.

good call.
[Aug 5,2007 10:06am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
"This Could Be Anywhere In The World" is my favorite song on the album. I have it on repeat because the dude's voice is really amazing.
[Aug 5,2007 11:17am - shamash ""]
I keep reading Alex Lifeson.
[Aug 5,2007 2:15pm - cav ""]
i havent heard anything since the first self titled album. ill have to check it out.
[Aug 6,2007 12:10pm - murph nli  ""]
CTB, have you ever heard the song "No Transitory" by these d00dz?

that was the jam that got me into their stuff, it definintely has a pop edge to it, but hey, dropping some panties now and then ain't so bad. ya heard.
[Aug 6,2007 5:48pm - Brandon..  ""]
I love alexisonfire. To the guy who said the singer is awsome, he has his own project called city in colour. Voice is amazing
[Aug 6,2007 6:05pm - Niccolai ""]
I don't like alexisonfire, but I do like the lyrics to that one song of their's 'hold on for one more day'.

..wait, no that was some other band.

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