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Ali G at the Pro-life rally

[Aug 7,2007 11:16pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

[Aug 7,2007 11:34pm - jesus ""]
lol, this is my favorite skit from his episodes. the Ali G character is very underrated compared to borat. the ali g movie was hilarious
[Aug 7,2007 11:35pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

way funnier than his Borat skit
[Aug 8,2007 12:02am - boine ""]
Ali G indahouse is a great movie
[Aug 8,2007 12:06am - timjohn  ""]
ALI G >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BORAT
[Aug 8,2007 12:21am - tylerl ""]
yeah i think ali G's skits on the show are slightly funnier than borat's, but the borat movie was hilarious and the ali G movie looked like shit
[Aug 8,2007 7:45am - brian_dc ""]
[Aug 8,2007 7:53am - Hungtableed  ""]
That was fucking hillarious, even though abortion is a crock of bull shit. I hope every slut who ever gets one ends up spiraling into depression for the rest of their life. I love liberal broads who say "I'm a responsible adult and I should have the right to choose what to do with my body..." - If they and their significant other exercised 1 ounce of responsibility each, she wouldn't have ever gotten pregnant.
[Aug 8,2007 1:15pm - Anthony ""]
Hungtableed said:That was fucking hillarious, even though abortion is a crock of bull shit. I hope every slut who ever gets one ends up spiraling into depression for the rest of their life. I love liberal broads who say "I'm a responsible adult and I should have the right to choose what to do with my body..." - If they and their significant other exercised 1 ounce of responsibility each, she wouldn't have ever gotten pregnant.

Fuck that, abortions are great. You wanna get stuck with a whining brat in the prime of your life? If so, I think you're fucking crazy. Plus there are way too many human shits on this planet anyways.

Fuck pro-choice AND pro-life, I wanna have a pro-abortion rally.
[Aug 8,2007 3:42pm - jimistolazytologin  ""]
Anthony said:Hungtableed said:That was fucking hillarious, even though abortion is a crock of bull shit. I hope every slut who ever gets one ends up spiraling into depression for the rest of their life. I love liberal broads who say "I'm a responsible adult and I should have the right to choose what to do with my body..." - If they and their significant other exercised 1 ounce of responsibility each, she wouldn't have ever gotten pregnant.

Fuck that, abortions are great. You wanna get stuck with a whining brat in the prime of your life? If so, I think you're fucking crazy. Plus there are way too many human shits on this planet anyways.

Fuck pro-choice AND pro-life, I wanna have a pro-abortion rally.

No because Jesus totally made everyone with love and care. We are overpopulated, if you are against abortion...you're fucking STUPID.

[Aug 8,2007 3:44pm - ZJD ""]
Anthony said:Hungtableed said:That was fucking hillarious, even though abortion is a crock of bull shit. I hope every slut who ever gets one ends up spiraling into depression for the rest of their life. I love liberal broads who say "I'm a responsible adult and I should have the right to choose what to do with my body..." - If they and their significant other exercised 1 ounce of responsibility each, she wouldn't have ever gotten pregnant.

Fuck that, abortions are great. You wanna get stuck with a whining brat in the prime of your life? If so, I think you're fucking crazy. Plus there are way too many human shits on this planet anyways.

Fuck pro-choice AND pro-life, I wanna have a pro-abortion rally.

[Aug 8,2007 5:05pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Anthony said:
Fuck that, abortions are great. You wanna get stuck with a whining brat in the prime of your life? If so, I think you're fucking crazy. Plus there are way too many human shits on this planet anyways.

Fuck pro-choice AND pro-life, I wanna have a pro-abortion rally.

All I'm saying is that we wouldn't need abortion as a "choice" if people practiced an ounce of responsibility. If a broad doesn't want to get pregnant, get on the damned pill. If you don't want to wear a rubber, make sure you pull out...it's not that fucking hard, I've done it successfully 1000s of times.

The terms "pro-life" and "pro-choice" are used by the mental masturbators who label their cause with a positive label. Everyone, in essence, is both pro-life and pro-choice. Like 3rd trimester abortions are called "partial-birth abortion" if you think it's savage and it's "late-term abortion" for the supporters.

[Aug 8,2007 5:27pm - anonymous  ""]
fuck you hungtobleed and your fuck pro-choice fuck pro-life attitude. people who practice responsible and safe sex get pregnant for many different reasons. THATS why people get abortions. and we wouldnt want more of you walking around.
[Aug 8,2007 5:35pm - hungtableed  ""]
anonymous said:fuck you hungtobleed and your fuck pro-choice fuck pro-life attitude. people who practice responsible and safe sex get pregnant for many different reasons. THATS why people get abortions. and we wouldnt want more of you walking around.

Yes, we want...ughhhh...need, everyone to think the same. Fuck dissenting opinions, they're for sailors and faggots...it's not like our country was built on that idea or anything.

If you're gonna fuck, then the risk of getting the broad pregnant comes with the territory. Just like when you have gay sex with other fags, you are in a higher percentile of contracting AIDS or if you share dirty needles you will be more prone to getting HIV and/or hepatitis.

Eat a bag of dicks, queer.
[Aug 8,2007 6:24pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah, fags, queers, hiv, aids, sailors. i think i know who the "faggot" is on this thread. i said nothing of it.
[Aug 8,2007 6:38pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
anonymous said:yeah, fags, queers, hiv, aids, sailors. i think i know who the "faggot" is on this thread. i said nothing of it.

I agree, this video is hilarious.

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