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Just saw LOTR III Return of the King

[Dec 19,2003 12:08am - Hoser ""]
Not bad at all......elongated ending.....constant fight scenes.....very teary ending.....men in gladiator uniforms....more fighting.

Not bad....I'll give you a hint....the fuckin' bad guys perish hard in the end...

Worth the $8....now go see it ya fuckin fucks....
[Dec 19,2003 12:33am - Coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I cannot wait to see this
[Dec 19,2003 3:23am - thegreatspaldino ""]
yay... another 4 hour snooze fest!
[Dec 19,2003 8:17am - RustedAngel ""]
wow, adam, of all people you'd be the last i would think that didn't like lotr.
[Dec 19,2003 8:46am - succubus ""]
i'm hearing a lot of good things...I can't wait to see it!!

bet we go through multiple bags of popcorn
[Dec 19,2003 8:59am - moran ""]
I found it kind of weak, should have been much better.
[Dec 19,2003 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]
the video game was cool.... I hope the movie's good too.
[Dec 19,2003 4:35pm - moran ""]
If you've read the book, its a bit disappointing, if not, its pretty good.
[Dec 19,2003 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard that only 10 people ever finished the book.
and that 9 out of 10 people that said they finished the book, lied.
so.. I guess you are the only person to complete that book.
[Dec 19,2003 4:57pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I finished the book and thus I have high expectations from this movie. Now I'm worried about being disappointed. Woohoo.
[Dec 19,2003 5:13pm - moran ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I finished the book and thus I have high expectations from this movie. Now I'm worried about being disappointed. Woohoo.

So did I. Try to have the mind frame of "this is the way Peter Jasckson thinks should have happened", you'll be ok, but if you don't, I hope you like things completly changed.
[Dec 19,2003 5:22pm - retzam ""]
moran said:DeOdiumMortis said:I finished the book and thus I have high expectations from this movie. Now I'm worried about being disappointed. Woohoo.

So did I. Try to have the mind frame of "this is the way Peter Jasckson thinks should have happened", you'll be ok, but if you don't, I hope you like things completly changed.

Man that sucks, could you give an example of one thing that has changed dramatically?
[Dec 19,2003 5:25pm - moran ""]
The Shire is competely unchanged at the end. He didn't like that part of the book, so he felt the need to not put it in the movie. And not one scene with Saruman.
[Dec 19,2003 5:26pm - succubus ""]
funny story..the guy next to me...is a huge fan and read all the books..

anyhow..when the second to last movie came out, he told his wife he had to work late...and instead he went to the premiere by himself to watch the movie...anyhow...he told me that he has NEVER lied to his wife ANY other times...so..thanksgiving came and they were in Rochester, NY, visting family and friends...and his friend blurted the story out....well apparently his wife was PISSED...he got in a lot of trouble and for a while after, every time he'd call his wife and told her he had to work late...she felt like she couldn't trust him....anyhow...so yesterday his wife asked him if he had to work late (since it was the premiere)....heh ... but of course he didn't and they are going to see it sunday

sorry but if you only knew this guy...it's hilarious..he's a huge d0rk...and why he lied about it...i dunno
[Dec 19,2003 5:31pm - retzam ""]
succubus said:funny story..the guy next to me...is a huge fan and read all the books..

anyhow..when the second to last movie came out, he told his wife he had to work late...and instead he went to the premiere by himself to watch the movie...anyhow...he told me that he has NEVER lied to his wife ANY other times...so..thanksgiving came and they were in Rochester, NY, visting family and friends...and his friend blurted the story out....well apparently his wife was PISSED...he got in a lot of trouble and for a while after, every time he'd call his wife and told her he had to work late...she felt like she couldn't trust him....anyhow...so yesterday his wife asked him if he had to work late (since it was the premiere)....heh ... but of course he didn't and they are going to see it sunday

sorry but if you only knew this guy...it's hilarious..he's a huge d0rk...and why he lied about it...i dunno

He probably lied because a big enough fan wouldn't want someone whispering to him and destracting him during the movie.
[Dec 19,2003 8:42pm - Hoser ""]
Oh no.....you guys know the dickhead that says, "the book was much better" after every fuckin' movie?
Ya...well what took that dick 4 days to read...I did in 2 -4 hrs. If the books are always..."so good, then why do they make fuckin' movies?
well fuckity fuck fuck fuck.....I'll stay dumb and watch the movie. That's what I say.

Fuck you you fuckin book readin' fucks:middlefinger:
[Dec 20,2003 4:52am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Now now Hoser, don't be testy just because you never learned how to read.:spineyes:
[Dec 20,2003 5:27am - moran ""]
Hoser said:Oh no.....you guys know the dickhead that says, "the book was much better" after every fuckin' movie?
Ya...well what took that dick 4 days to read...I did in 2 -4 hrs. If the books are always..."so good, then why do they make fuckin' movies?
well fuckity fuck fuck fuck.....I'll stay dumb and watch the movie. That's what I say.

Fuck you you fuckin book readin' fucks:middlefinger:

If you don't want to read the book, fine. I don't care. But I think that the book kicks the shit out of Return to the King, its soooooo much better.
[Dec 20,2003 2:11pm - moran ""]
moran said:Hoser said:Oh no.....you guys know the dickhead that says, "the book was much better" after every fuckin' movie?
Ya...well what took that dick 4 days to read...I did in 2 -4 hrs. If the books are always..."so good, then why do they make fuckin' movies?
well fuckity fuck fuck fuck.....I'll stay dumb and watch the movie. That's what I say.

Fuck you you fuckin book readin' fucks:middlefinger:

If you don't want to read the book, fine. I don't care. But I think that the book kicks the shit out of Return to the King, its soooooo much better.

Theres nothing better than drunk posts. I don't remember this at all.
[Dec 20,2003 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to update the "people I don't want ot be" thread.

oh, and with harry potter 1&2, the books were better than the movie.
[Dec 20,2003 4:17pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:drunk?
I'm going to update the "people I don't want ot be" thread.

oh, and with harry potter 1&2, the books were better than the movie.

I think that the first Harry Potter movie sucked, but the second was fucking unbeleivable!
[Dec 21,2003 9:09am - RustedAngel ""]
tried to see ROTK yesterday, but it was sold out at two seperate theaters. 3:30 and 7pm. sucks.

waiting till wed.
[Dec 23,2003 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
played the video game,
now off to see the movie.
[Dec 23,2003 5:31pm - retzam ""]
I saw it Saturday. I really liked it, and to be honest, I am glad that Peter Jackson cut "The Scouring Of The Shire" from the movie. This is why it was a logical thing to do: It would be incredibly anti-climactic. JRR Tolkein could get away with it because that was the falling action of three books. He didn't have a climax and falling action in any other book besides The Return Of The King. It starts at the beginning of The Fellowship Of The Ring and rises throughout all three books until the ring was destroyed in the third. So, since the rising action was about 50 chapters long, he was able to get away with a 3 chapter long falling action. The movies, on the other hand, each had there own individual rising, climax, falling. Therefore, having even a 10 or 15 minute "Scouring Of The Shire" scene in the movie would have been incredibly anti-climactic, since it is a less exciting action sequence coming after the climax of the movie.

Anyway, I digress, for the only thing I originally meant to say was that it was awesome and I am seeing it again tomorrow, then again on Friday.
[Dec 23,2003 5:43pm - moran ""]
The "Scouring of the Shire" being left out didn't bother me that much, mainly for said reasons. Parts that did bother me: Aragorn + Palantir Stone, no Saruman at Isengard, Eowyn and Merry, Eowyn and Faramir, Denethor in general, Shelob.
[Dec 23,2003 5:48pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
LOTR movies bore me. i couldn't sit through
the first one even. i'm also one of those dorks
that read the books.
[Dec 23,2003 6:58pm - succubus ""]
i thought it was really good

long but good

the bedroom scene made me giggle .. found it somewhat homoerotic..esp being in slow motion...heh
[Dec 23,2003 7:42pm - the_reverend ""]
did anyone notice that you saw frodo's finger bandaged in the "bedroom" scene and then didn't see it again for the rest of the 40 minute ending?
[Dec 23,2003 8:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
does anyone know why froto had to leave the shire at the end?
[Dec 23,2003 10:00pm - retzam ""]
RustedAngel said:does anyone know why froto had to leave the shire at the end?

I was never too sure of this, but I think it is because he was going to die soon because of the witchking's blade, and since he saved Middle Earth from Sauron, the Valar allowed him passage into Eldamar, the land of eternal life.
[Dec 23,2003 10:02pm - the_reverend ""]
or... he didn't want to live a life with out adventure...
so he went off to the next adventure.
[Dec 23,2003 10:04pm - retzam ""]
moran said:The "Scouring of the Shire" being left out didn't bother me that much, mainly for said reasons. Parts that did bother me: Aragorn + Palantir Stone, no Saruman at Isengard, Eowyn and Merry, Eowyn and Faramir, Denethor in general, Shelob.

Dude, both Éowyn and Merry riding to Gondor together and Éowyn and Faramir's relationship are true to the book. And the portrayal of Denethor was fucking dead on.
[Dec 23,2003 10:35pm - moran ""]
retzam said:moran said:The "Scouring of the Shire" being left out didn't bother me that much, mainly for said reasons. Parts that did bother me: Aragorn + Palantir Stone, no Saruman at Isengard, Eowyn and Merry, Eowyn and Faramir, Denethor in general, Shelob.

Dude, both Éowyn and Merry riding to Gondor together and Éowyn and Faramir's relationship are true to the book. And the portrayal of Denethor was fucking dead on.

I didn't like the way he did the Eowyn and Merry part, because they should have been in a sort of coma like when Frodo got stabbed, and Merry shouldn't have been at the Black Gate. What I didn't like about the Faramir part was that there was no explaination of why they were together or what happens to them and Eomer. And I just thought Denethor was weak.
[Dec 23,2003 10:40pm - moran ""]
RustedAngel said:does anyone know why froto had to leave the shire at the end?

He didn't have to leave, he chose to because he felt that he had no place in Middle Earth, he never felt whole again without the ring, and what Retzam said.
[Jan 2,2004 1:31pm - Kalopsia ""]
all i have to say is the movie is amazing. i never read the books but i have a feeling i will eventually. that battle scene was simply amazing. everything about it was. i only wish the ents got involved in the final fight. that woulda helped out the humans big time.
[Jan 2,2004 2:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
i saw it again last night. kicked ass.
[Jan 2,2004 2:09pm - succubus ""]
we ALMOST went to see it again..well sorta
[Jan 2,2004 4:00pm - retzam ""]
Kalopsia said:all i have to say is the movie is amazing. i never read the books but i have a feeling i will eventually. that battle scene was simply amazing. everything about it was. i only wish the ents got involved in the final fight. that woulda helped out the humans big time.

Yeah you are completely right. The cinematography (is that the word?) in the battle of Pellenor Fields was outstanding. Did anyone else notice that you could feel the momemtum of the giant boulders and chunks of the city being catapulted??

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