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RIP: Michelangelo Antonioni

[Aug 8,2007 9:45pm - succubus ""]
I'm feeling somber tonight
but at least he had a long life
[Aug 8,2007 9:57pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 8,2007 11:11pm - VoidExpression ""]
It's a total bummer. Peter Bochan did a great tribute on his show last weekend. Hopefully he'll get it up on his website soon: All Mixed Up (one of the best radio shows around)
[Aug 9,2007 1:20am - timjohn  ""]
oh wow, i thought this thread was about Michael Angelo the shred guitarist, and i almost cared for a moment... but that has passed and i am leaving now bye
[Aug 9,2007 7:41am - watchmaker666 ""]
HAHA I thought the same thing! Fucking guy is 94 what do you expect him to do.

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