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So, Behemoth, tell us a story...

[Aug 9,2007 3:04pm - porphyria  ""]

"So, we are in Spain. It’s 2001, I believe. We’re in Murcia and this chick, she’s the promoter of the show, and for some reason she needs to go to Madrid, where we are going. So she’s asking us if she can join. We’re all gentlemen, so of course we invited her on the bus. I don’t know when things when out of control, problem when we [opened] another bottle of vodka. I went to the downstairs lounge and I saw… all my guys making out with her. At the same time. Everyone. Fucking everyone doing something, man. You haven’t seen anything like that in the most bizarre porn movie. And she was just totally into it! I’ve seen lots of crazy shit, but I haven’t seen anything like that before.

So I just grabbed my Handi-Camera and started filming it. It was entertaining to watch, it was entertaining to make a movie out of it. I don’t want to mention any names here. You can find out yourself if you do some investigation—but there was a band with us on the bus, and they stole the tape from my camera. And you know what? They fucking left the tour. They said it was just too hard for them to take it. And we didn’t know where. They just disappeared. So finally, we find out that this band went straight to the airport. They just didn’t want to be part of this tour anymore because they thought we were fucking savages or something… I found the tape in a trash can, all destroyed.

We ended up doing the show in Madrid and I remember [the same girl] standing in the first row, having a kickass time and banging her head and being cool. She was totally cool. I talked to her later and she was totally okay with [everything]. It all was good [because] we had more space on the bus because this shitty band left. But from that moment on, I get these questions from different people in the music industry asking me to confirm or deny… a rumor going around that Behemoth is a porn industry and we just do the music to cover it. [Like] we go on tour, have sex with groupies, we film that and we release it somewhere in Poland and the music is just to cover [laughs]. I never really denied that… so let’s leave it as it is.

Nergal is the lead singer for profoundly sacrilegious Polish death metal band Behemoth. Their eighth album, The Apostasy (Century Media), is a jaw-dropping slab of highest-velocity riffage, impossible melodies and jackhammer-to-the-pelvis drumming. We interviewed them far, far, far away from their tour bus.

[Aug 9,2007 3:08pm - sxealex ""]
more like jackhammer with their pelvis
[Aug 9,2007 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
bah, what they really meant when they said "this chick" was "this guy". i hate them so much.
[Aug 9,2007 3:21pm - the_reverend ""]
sounds like the last porphyria tour... er.. except the girl was blue and all the shows got cancelled.
[Aug 9,2007 3:24pm - dreadkill ""]
i like behemoth and found that story to be entertaining. nergal looks like a fag without his corpse paint. he looks like he does girly shit to his eyebrows.
[Aug 9,2007 3:26pm - OCR ""]
I respect Behemoth more now because they are rapists.
[Aug 9,2007 4:35pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
dreadkill said:i like behemoth and found that story to be entertaining. nergal looks like a fag without his corpse paint. he looks like he does girly shit to his eyebrows.

[Aug 9,2007 4:38pm - timjohn  ""]
lol he didn't mention she was black yo
[Aug 9,2007 5:17pm - dreadkill ""]
nergal has jungle fever
[Aug 9,2007 6:13pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
the_reverend said:sounds like the last porphyria tour... er.. except the girl was blue and all the shows got cancelled.

That just made me laugh so hard!
[Aug 9,2007 7:23pm - Ryan_M ""]
dreadkill said:nergal looks like a fag without his corpse paint.

I think he looks like a fag with his corpse paint! Black metal band members look less gay without the makeup/bondage clothes.
[Aug 10,2007 10:35am - Yeti ""]
what he does isn't corpsepaint. its like a fruity wannabe. the bondage shit is fucking gay too.
[Aug 10,2007 12:01pm - goatcatalyst ""]
curious who this band that dropped off the tour was

[Aug 23,2007 1:17pm - ouchdrummer  ""]
wow, Behemoth is really living the dream...
[Aug 23,2007 2:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 23,2007 3:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Danzig stole my "beer gut and a see-through shirt" idea. Get my lawyer on the phone!
[Aug 23,2007 6:02pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
"You haven’t seen anything like that in the most bizarre porn movie. And she was just totally into it! I’ve seen lots of crazy shit, but I haven’t seen anything like that before."

Wow...I guess they haven't hung out with MSD that much then.
[Aug 23,2007 6:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:"You haven’t seen anything like that in the most bizarre porn movie. And she was just totally into it! I’ve seen lots of crazy shit, but I haven’t seen anything like that before."

Wow...I guess they haven't hung out with MSD that much then.

Yeah, she wasn't 8.
[Aug 23,2007 9:53pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Or gutted.

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