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eating moldy bread in the morning..mmmm

[Aug 20,2007 7:44am - the_reverend ""]
ugh..terrible. too bad cause that bread was really good.
[Aug 20,2007 8:15am - RichHorror ""]
You shut your whore mouth when men are talking.
[Aug 20,2007 8:22am - succubus ""]
this morning was a dream...i was having a bad dream and then i woke up and told you to turn off the fan because it was cold...and you did and then i fell back asleep...different bad dream and then heard you say something...you getting out of bed before me always throws me off because i'm not used to it. i got up and called out yer name but you had left. Anyhow, what bread? the one from montreal? i had a blueberry bagel left for you ..the one from friday..you didnt' take it so i did.
[Aug 20,2007 9:04am - the_reverend ""]
yes, the bread from montreal. never saw the bagel.
Also, the alarm had gone off like 15 minutes before I'm assuming.

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