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My new band

[Aug 20,2007 8:05pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Is called Heidinn.


We are a Viking Metal band with Black Metal and Thrash elements.

We haven't recorded my vocals yet but that's what we're hoping to accomplish by next practice.

[Aug 20,2007 8:12pm - the_reverend ""]
you;ve been in that for a while now, liar.
[Aug 20,2007 8:13pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Yea but it wasn't doing anything until now.
[Aug 20,2007 8:58pm - Arist ""]
Nice! we don't get many viking metal bands from around here, I support that
[Aug 20,2007 9:15pm - HUNTERHUNTER ""]
[Aug 20,2007 10:01pm - Ryan_M ""]
Sounds pretty decent actually, better than I would have expected....you guys are sloppy as shit, but that's a good thing as far as I'm concerned!
[Aug 22,2007 2:10pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Wow a viking metal band in my city and I was unaware. Go figure
[Aug 22,2007 3:55pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I;m in a viking metal band, hahaha
[Aug 22,2007 3:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I AM a Viking metal band. SO THERE.
[Aug 22,2007 4:01pm - RichHorror ""]
I've got 37 pairs of stretch socks. FOR THE WIN.
[Aug 22,2007 4:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
fuck yall, im a gold metal band

[Aug 22,2007 4:06pm - IMMOLATION  ""]
[Aug 22,2007 8:37pm - archaeon ""]
im still waiting for the vocals to come in
[Aug 22,2007 9:29pm - dreadkill ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:I;m in a viking metal band, hahaha

does your band have a myspace or whatnots?
[Aug 22,2007 11:44pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
dreadkill said:Y_Ddraig_Goch said:I;m in a viking metal band, hahaha

does your band have a myspace or whatnots?

We do, but we never recorded any music so it's not worth doling out.

[Aug 23,2007 10:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Make sure you make this face at all times:

[Aug 23,2007 10:02am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Aug 23,2007 10:04am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Aug 23,2007 7:08pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
archaeon said:im still waiting for the vocals to come in

We haven't recorded my vocals yet. We're supposed to be doing that this week, I believe.

And as for the sloppy comment, they recorded that song only having practiced it in full like 3 times. It's a 9 minute song, man!
[Aug 23,2007 7:27pm - CNV  ""]
Hahahaa, a christian viking band?! Uber Gayness

[Aug 23,2007 7:39pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
What? Not every band I'm in is a Christian band you fucking loser.
[Aug 23,2007 7:43pm - CNV  ""]
No, every band your in fucking sucks , faggot
[Aug 23,2007 7:46pm - Kinslayer  ""]
You cant even be IN a 'viking' band if you're christian; it's an oxy moron.
[Aug 23,2007 7:49pm - CNV  ""]
The kid is an idiot Kinslayer


Conquer the queer christian in the shitty band
[Aug 23,2007 8:27pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I can do whatever I want.

I seriously would love to see you people in public.
[Aug 23,2007 8:31pm - CNV  ""]
[Aug 23,2007 8:34pm - CNV  ""]

[Aug 23,2007 8:40pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

I've never seen that pic before.

I need to make fun of him now.
[Aug 23,2007 8:41pm - Ryan_M ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:As for the sloppy comment, they recorded that song only having practiced it in full like 3 times. It's a 9 minute song, man!

Seriously when I called it sloppy, it wasn't meant to be negative at all, it actually sounds awesome that way. Don't update the recording either, whatever they recorded that song on - you should always use that. Keep it simple, keep it raw.
[Aug 23,2007 8:43pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Ryan_M said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:As for the sloppy comment, they recorded that song only having practiced it in full like 3 times. It's a 9 minute song, man!

Seriously when I called it sloppy, it wasn't meant to be negative at all, it actually sounds awesome that way. Don't update the recording either, whatever they recorded that song on - you should always use that. Keep it simple, keep it raw.

Nah, I doubt we'll do anything with it. I like how it sounds. You know that slow part with the fills that kind of drags on for a couple minutes? Well, we planned on having like a "black metal spoken word" part there.
[Aug 23,2007 9:08pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Why do you want to see us in public? To beat us up? *ROLLZ EYEZ* LOlz

here are some pics of us so you can hunt us down...and I'll spare you the bad joke...'NO niether of us is the girl!'

[Aug 23,2007 9:15pm - Ryan_Noseworthy ""]
Ha, killer
[Aug 23,2007 9:19pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Kinslayer said:Why do you want to see us in public? To beat us up? *ROLLZ EYEZ* LOlz

here are some pics of us so you can hunt us down...and I'll spare you the bad joke...'NO niether of us is the girl!'


Sweet. Now I can come find you and personally tell you to stop being a meanieheadface.


You meanieheadface.
[Aug 24,2007 12:18am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I don't think faith matters in a band, but come on, you're the vocalist. You can't be a good singer if you don't fully back whatever message you are singing. And as far as I know Vikings went around slaying the christians in Europe, pillaging churches for artifacts, burning said churches.

just look up the song "Sword in the storm" by rebellion, all about a viking earl righting the wrongs that the Christian kings laid upon the Norwegian people previously...but then he got killed and was replaced with the worst christian king in history...guess his name

and if any of you into viking metal don't know this famous evil christian norwegian king....well stop pretending to like vikings : (
[Aug 24,2007 12:20am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
and by the way, Rebellion's "Saga of the icelanders part one" is theeeee best viking metal album, and one of my all time favorite metal albums.

think of Iced Earth on cocaine singing about Vikings instead of America.
[Aug 24,2007 12:24am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Araya commented about the misconception of the band labeled as Satan worshipers, "Yeah, yeah I think that’s one of the biggest misconceptions towards the band, but next to that just the fact that we’re normal." If guitarist King writes a good song, Araya puts his beliefs aside, "I'm not one that's going to go, "This sucks because it's contrary to my beliefs." To me it's more like "this is really good stuff. You're going to piss people off with this."[9]


[Aug 24,2007 4:30am - kyle NlI  ""]
the only thing i can say is this sounds like kids in high school...thats all i can say.
[Aug 24,2007 10:25am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Araya commented about the misconception of the band labeled as Satan worshipers, "Yeah, yeah I think that’s one of the biggest misconceptions towards the band, but next to that just the fact that we’re normal." If guitarist King writes a good song, Araya puts his beliefs aside, "I'm not one that's going to go, "This sucks because it's contrary to my beliefs." To me it's more like "this is really good stuff. You're going to piss people off with this."[9]


what kind of faggots write songs to piss people off, oh yeah Slater
[Aug 24,2007 10:38am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
If you're a Christian but can't resist the viking topics of battle, pillaging, and shit like that why not write about the Crusades?

Then you and Azeem can come back to find your homeland ravaged by the evil sheriff of Nottingham and you've got like three albums of material from your quest to avenge your father alone.
[Aug 24,2007 10:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hell, you've even got lyrics already written:

We're men, we're men in tights.
We roam around the forest looking for fights.
We're men, we're men in tights.
We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that's right!
We may look like sissies, but watch what you say or else we'll put out your lights!
We're men, we're men in tights,
Always on guard defending the people's rights.

[The Can-Can Chorus Line]

We're men, MANLY men, we're men in tights.
[Gay voice] Yes!
We roam around the forest looking for fights.
We're men, we're men in tights.
We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that's right!
We may look like pansies, but don't get us wrong or else we'll put out your lights.
We're men, we're men in tights
[High Voice] TIGHT Tights
Always on guard defending the people's rights.
When you're in a fix just call for the men in tights!

[Aug 24,2007 10:52am - RichHorror ""]
Indeed. If you don't cover that song you are the falsest of ther false.
[Aug 24,2007 12:03pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
HAHA nice.

I do like the topics of epic battles, glory, and death. I do write about them and I already write about the hypocrisy of modern day Christianity. I think some people have the misconception about me that I agree with everything Christian and all that. I do think for myself and I believe that the history of the "Christian Church" is one of the most corrupted and evil histories of mankind. The atrocities committed by Popes, kings, and sects are just appalling to me. I understand completely why people hate Christians.
[Sep 1,2007 6:05pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

We have changed the name of the band.

We are now known as Hraesveglr. www.myspace.com/hraesvelgrisfuckingmetal
[Sep 3,2007 3:13pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
dude dont you know you cant be in a kult band unless you sit in your room with the lights off praying to your goat lamp. but dont forget to set up all your troo dark flags and goats heads around it so it looks extra grim

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