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Portuguese band (Thee Orakle)

[Aug 20,2007 11:59pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

just got an add from them, sounds really cool from the five seconds my comp lets me hear.

It sounds like really mellow, keyboardy, metal. Not power, but not goth or doom either....

[Aug 21,2007 12:11am - deadlikemurf ""]
the oraKALE

just a little portagee humor for the new bedford kids.
[Aug 21,2007 12:13am - RichHorror ""]
You're a real card.
[Aug 21,2007 12:20am - deadlikemurf ""]
fairhaven nigga whut.
[Aug 21,2007 2:59am - phillip ""]
there are a few real good portuguese bands

Bleeding Display


Holocausto Canibal

The Firstborn

Hordes of Yore

In the Umbra
[Aug 21,2007 4:08pm - jesus ""]
[Aug 21,2007 4:24pm - BornSoVile ""]
Storm Legion is good too.
[Aug 21,2007 11:54pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
hahaha New Bedford and their portuguese whalers
[Aug 22,2007 1:38am - KorbenDallas ""]
fazer malo!!

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