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Horror Movie Recommendations

[Dec 22,2003 2:31pm - litacore ""]
yours? I haven't seen any of the Phantasm movies, they any good?

Movies that actually still scare the bejeezus out of me:
1.) Evil Dead I
2.) Maniac
3.) Burnt Offerings
4.) Dawn of the Dead (they're remaking it...grrr...)
5.) The Princess Bride (actually no...but now you know I'm scared of the movie because I HATE IT!!!

[Dec 22,2003 2:40pm - RustedAngel ""]
evil dead is comedic if anything. not scary.


[Dec 22,2003 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
evil dead 2 & army of darkness
night of the living dead
texas chainsaw massacre
hellraiser series
the shinning
rosemary's baby
the omen
phanstasm is awesome
silence of the lambs
nightmare of elm st.
[Dec 22,2003 3:34pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:evil dead 2 & army of darkness
night of the living dead
texas chainsaw massacre
hellraiser series
the shinning
rosemary's baby
the omen
phanstasm is awesome
silence of the lambs
nightmare of elm st.

Rev, evil dead 2 and especially Army of Darkness are not scary.
[Dec 22,2003 4:27pm - retzam ""]
Halloween, Halloween 2, Halloween Resurrection (watch Halloween H2O for backstory).

Those are the best halloween films, you have probably seen them already though.
[Dec 22,2003 5:36pm - moran ""]
Evil Ed
The Changeling
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
The Gate
The first Phantasm is awesome, I haven't seen them all, but what I have from the others isn't that good
[Dec 22,2003 6:46pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
The Care Bears Movie. Now that's some scary shit.
[Dec 22,2003 7:40pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
christ, i remember that movie

but i have to recommend Texas Chainsaw
Massacre... the first one... the original first
one... it makes me happy... and Leatherface
is fucking hot.
[Dec 22,2003 10:12pm - VBFAreNaughty ""]
I dunno if anyone else has mentioned them, but:

1. Zombie
2. The Beyond
3. Dead Alive
4. Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer
5. City Of The Living Dead
6. House By The Cemetery
7. Basket Case
8. Dellamorte Dellamore

That is all.
[Dec 22,2003 11:23pm - nick ""]
1. lifeforce.

forget all the orther recommendations.
[Dec 23,2003 4:23am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
none... because horror movies are wicked fuckin ghey
[Dec 23,2003 4:53am - MyDeadDoll ""]
what kind of movies would you recommend, Spaldino?
[Dec 23,2003 5:03am - the_reverend ""]
here's a list of spalding's movies:

he goes by "nova" while in the butt patrol
[Dec 23,2003 6:07am - Spoon_Fed ""]
Evil Death 1 & 2
Dead Alive
Bad Taste
House By The Cemetary
Last House On The Left
The Entity
Ft13th 1-5 + JGtH (guilty pleasure, I suppose)
Night Of The Living Dead

Probably more, but I can't think of 'em.
[Dec 23,2003 3:49pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
MyDeadDoll said:what kind of movies would you recommend, Spaldino?

welll i dont watch a ton of movies... but i would recommend somthing a little less lame than "horror" movies. mainly the random comedies, donie darko, some anime that just needs to be seen by everyone, a ton of indy films because of their sheer brilliance... anything but lame-o "horror"
[Dec 23,2003 5:23pm - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:MyDeadDoll said:what kind of movies would you recommend, Spaldino?

welll i dont watch a ton of movies... but i would recommend somthing a little less lame than "horror" movies. mainly the random comedies, donie darko, some anime that just needs to be seen by everyone, a ton of indy films because of their sheer brilliance... anything but lame-o "horror"

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't you take your s/n from one of those lame-o "horror" movies?
[Dec 23,2003 5:45pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
donnie darko was good. i have
to mention it 'cos it's one of my
faves, but have you seen boondock
[Dec 23,2003 7:41pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
retzam said:

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't you take your s/n from one of those lame-o "horror" movies?

I did? I got me s/n from myself. If I were to ever become a magician i would be called "The Great Spaldino". Heh, lame huh?
[Dec 23,2003 7:44pm - the_reverend ""]
bridge of reanimator
[Dec 23,2003 11:07pm - Dissector  ""]
Bloodsucking Freaks
The Beyond
Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
Dawn Of The Dead
Bad Taste
Dead Alive
Zombie Holocaust
and the first two Texas Chainsaw Massacres (I know the 2nd one was a little more funny, but still pretty fucked)
[Dec 23,2003 11:16pm - moran ""]
Bloodsucking Freaks
NEVER watch this movie
[Dec 24,2003 12:06am - MyDeadDoll ""]
anyone ever seen i spit on your grave?
[Dec 24,2003 12:21am - succubus ""]
nope i never have

how bad is it?
[Dec 24,2003 12:29am - the_reverend ""]
I spit on your grave is "fuck you and then kill you" good.
the best is when she kills the retarded kid.
[Dec 24,2003 12:51am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i need to find this on DVD... my
video is way old...
[Dec 26,2003 12:04am - Dissector  ""]
moran said:Bloodsucking Freaks
NEVER watch this movie

What do you? You didn't like it, or its just so vile?

I spit on your grave is sweet, if you like that check out Last House On The left.
[Dec 26,2003 12:23am - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:retzam said:

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't you take your s/n from one of those lame-o "horror" movies?

I did? I got me s/n from myself. If I were to ever become a magician i would be called "The Great Spaldino". Heh, lame huh?

I think it is the name of the clown from House Of 1000 Corpes, easily the most lame, horrible, cheesy horror movie ever.
[Dec 26,2003 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 26,2003 12:43am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
retzam said:

I think it is the name of the clown from House Of 1000 Corpes, easily the most lame, horrible, cheesy horror movie ever.

no... though i've never seen it myself... there is a guy in it called "Captian Spaulding" or something like that. and i had this SN before that stupid movie came out (i have it as an alternate AIM name)
[Dec 26,2003 1:33am - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:retzam said:

I think it is the name of the clown from House Of 1000 Corpes, easily the most lame, horrible, cheesy horror movie ever.

no... though i've never seen it myself... there is a guy in it called "Captian Spaulding" or something like that. and i had this SN before that stupid movie came out (i have it as an alternate AIM name)

Yeah, I just checked, your right.
[Feb 14,2004 9:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I just got house of the dead.
succubus and I are watching it in a few minutes.
[Feb 14,2004 9:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Well... there isn't any movie that scares anymore, but I do remember afew that did. But i only saw afew scenes at the time.
Puppet master 4 ...I think.
Hell raiser
[Feb 14,2004 10:16pm - succubus ""]
it's a b movie..oh yeh
lol (house of the dead)
[Feb 15,2004 4:57pm - Assuck ""]
the_reverend said:I spit on your grave is "fuck you and then kill you" good.
the best is when she kills the retarded kid.

"I CAME THIS TIME" hehe...genius

and the bathtub scene is painful to watch. i feel sorry for that guy.

as far as suggestions go, cannibal holocaust, and anything by lucio fulci.
[Feb 15,2004 4:58pm - Assuck ""]
oh and Pieces. People probably said all of these but i didnt read all of it so dont get all angry at me for re suggesting movies.
[Feb 15,2004 7:11pm - Dissector ""]
Pieces is worth seeing just for the last scene. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who might want to see it.

Yes, Cannibal Holocaust is a must see, fuckin' rules. If you're gonna see a Fulci movie see Zombi, The Beyond, City Of The living Dead, and New York Ripper. I like House By The Cemetery but a lot of people don't.
[Feb 15,2004 10:48pm - Abbath ""]
i've seen a ton of horror movies but none really stick out, but i can tell ya one that's just really fucked up, "Event Herizon" that movie is just twisted and fucked...
...but the greatest monster movie of all time is MONSTER SQUAD.
[Feb 16,2004 12:21am - Dissector ""]
Monster Squad!! HAHAHAHA "BOGUS!"
[Feb 16,2004 12:22am - MyDeadDoll ""]
isn't event horion pretty bloody? i think
i saw it in the theater. i don't recall... i'm
getting old.
[Feb 16,2004 12:28am - Abbath ""]
no dissector Monster Squad is an amazing masterpiece, tits and the creature of the black lagoon rule
and ya MDD event horizon is a FUCKED UP movie, it's just disturbing, slit wrist and cannibals in space not a comfortable combination
[Feb 16,2004 12:33am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm gonna have to see it again. sounds
right up my alley.
[Feb 16,2004 2:25am - tbone_r ""]
i dont know of any specifically, but i hear italian horror movies are supposed to be the best.
[Feb 16,2004 9:47am - nick1762 ""]
"Street Trash." everybody needs to see this.
it features a game of penis keep-away.
and lots of dirty bums.
[Feb 16,2004 12:49pm - Dissector ""]
Abbath said:no dissector Monster Squad is an amazing masterpiece, tits and the creature of the black lagoon rule
and ya MDD event horizon is a FUCKED UP movie, it's just disturbing, slit wrist and cannibals in space not a comfortable combination

I'm agreeing with you. That used to be my favorite movie when I was younger.
[Feb 17,2004 10:27am - Assuck ""]
see City of the Living Dead. Gut puking scene. Done and done.
[Feb 17,2004 10:43am - litacore ""]
anyone seen Schramm? it's supposed to be pretty grody, like Maniac.

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