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just 10 more days and life gets good again...

[Aug 26,2007 3:00pm - DomesticTerror ""]
God dammit, i love football. :bow:

predictions? Steeler-hate on me? Let's get this shit rollin'...

[Aug 26,2007 3:40pm - SkinSandwich ""]
If football had a vag, I would fuck it. I can't wait for the season to start.
[Aug 26,2007 7:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i need set up a special savings account for ribs and wings for this season.
[Aug 26,2007 7:48pm - niccolai ""]
SkinSandwich said:If football had a vag, I would fuck it.

It does. drew bledsoe.
[Aug 26,2007 9:38pm - Dankill  ""]
The Pats win. The End.

[Aug 27,2007 10:46am - timmy porphyria  ""]
I will be investing in a smoker for the this season, I can only do chili so much, and Hooters in manch-vegas has closed. Pulled pork and ribs for 4 o'clock games, wings and chili for 1 o'clock games. Pabst on draft. Pats crush. Maroney has nitrous filled jet packs installed on his cleats and a stiff arm that owns everyone. But if that pats fail me in regular season I'm on the steelers wagon as well.
[Aug 27,2007 10:48am - SkinSandwich ""]
niccolai said:SkinSandwich said:If football had a vag, I would fuck it.

It does. drew bledsoe.


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