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Car bomb, the_Network and more TBA @ O'briens SUN OCT 21st

[show listing]  _____________________________________________
[Aug 28,2007 6:47pm - the_network_booking ""]
This is kinda a shitty post (I'm on my phone) but yeah us, car bomb and some others are playing O'briens Oct 21st (sun). We haven't played O'briens since we got kicked out like 2 years ago, luckily they have new owners or something and they forgot we got kicked out. I think a microphone broke...something really lame to get kicked out for.
I believe there are still some open spots so if your interested email who ever does the booking over there and see what happens.
I heard Car bomb's light show is not to be missed (no pun intended)

[Aug 28,2007 7:07pm - the_reverend ""]
it was more like 3-4.years ago.
[Aug 28,2007 7:11pm - blue ""]
uh, sweet. ill get us on this shit.
[Aug 28,2007 7:45pm - immortal13 ""]
What's the email for O'Brien's?
[Aug 28,2007 8:13pm - the_network_booking ""]
look at this guy with a memory like an elephant...if only we all could be so lucky.
[Aug 28,2007 8:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
no wayyyyy both bands are narsty
[Aug 28,2007 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
it was one of the first shows that joe not common did there and was right before he started posting here, I think.
[Aug 28,2007 8:45pm - the_reverend ""]
then he decided you were gay.
I don't think you are gay though.
hm.. maybe a little gay.
[Aug 28,2007 10:37pm - the_network_booking ""]
Wait we're gay. I thought Mass was the ones with all the fun.
[Sep 9,2007 3:52pm - the_network_booking ""]
I heard last chance to reason is now on this...blue, did you guys get on this?
[Sep 9,2007 8:04pm - blue ""]
ive sent 2 emails, ive gotten no responses. ill send another one.
[Sep 10,2007 12:03am - SteveOTB ""]
I'm looking at the dates on the O'Brien's website and it doesn't say anything about Car Bomb or The Network playing on Oct 21st.
[Sep 13,2007 1:56am - the_network_booking ""]
okay they updated the o'briens myspace...thanks for the heads up!
[Sep 13,2007 2:10pm - mOe ""]
i hope that somehow I can get to this, Carbomb is pretty sweet
[Sep 13,2007 3:43pm - blue ""]
the_network_booking said:okay they updated the o'briens myspace...thanks for the heads up!

i dont see shit updated.
[Sep 30,2007 8:33pm - the_network_booking ""]
anyone know how to change the thread title...This got moved down the street to great scott's...

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