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Space Train, MJ-XII, and Sir Q at Milly's Tavern - Oct. 25

[show listing]  ______________________________
[Aug 28,2007 11:29pm - ZJD ""]
[Aug 29,2007 9:45pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
wow...i may be heading up that way that week, its quite a ways from Cape Cod though...

certainly sounds like a sick show!!
[Oct 3,2007 9:03pm - ZJD ""]
bump This is actually 10 dollars at the door and 9 in advance.
[Oct 9,2007 8:56pm - ZJD ""]
[Oct 15,2007 9:38pm - ZJD ""]
there will be bands at this show, EH????
[Oct 15,2007 9:39pm - RichHorror ""]
$10 for all locals?
[Oct 15,2007 9:42pm - ZJD ""]
Sir Q is from Haverhill and MJ-XII is from Dover, does that count as local? I didn't set the price.
[Oct 16,2007 2:15pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
we have advance tickets for the $9 dollar price, if you're local to the dover area, message us @ http://myspace.com/mjxii .

[Oct 17,2007 10:10pm - ZJD ""]


[Oct 22,2007 6:19pm - ZJD ""]
[Oct 24,2007 6:23pm - ZJD ""]
[Oct 25,2007 3:25pm - ZJD ""]
Now it's tonight.
[Oct 25,2007 4:18pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
ALRIGHT! we are playing some new songs. smoke percs and come party.
[Oct 26,2007 8:47am - the_reverend ""]
how did this go?
[Oct 26,2007 8:53am - ZJD ""]
It went alright. All the bands were good but not a ton of people. Well, a lot of people because it's a bar and people like to get drunk while they watch sports, but I don't know how many were there for music. The sound guy refused to adjust the monitors and all the bands complained, but apparently nobody from the floor noticed. There was a fog machine and fog machines suck.
[Oct 26,2007 9:05am - the_reverend ""]
damn.. I would have loved to have shot pictures with a fizzog machizzle.
[Oct 26,2007 2:54pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
the lights and fog were good, we couldn't turn up loud, no one was there, but i guess there will be a sweet video of it? it was a fun time for us anyway.

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