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Club Hell (Providence, RI) - [all_out_war][death_before_dishonor][living_hell][ringworm][shipwreck]
[Aug 30,2007 11:04pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Aug 30,2007 11:04pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Aug 30,2007 11:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I believe me. I'm shooting ringworm tomorrow to. it will be awesome.

Everyone go and look stupid for the camera.
[Aug 30,2007 11:08pm - the_reverend ""]
PS: you have 4 of the best hardcore bands out now playing one show.
[Aug 30,2007 11:10pm - chrisabomb ""]
the_reverend said:PS: you have 4 of the best hardcore bands out now playing one show.


[Aug 31,2007 8:30am - iiiii  ""]
amped for the worcester show!!!
id go to pvd but sexcrement at obriens sat
[Aug 31,2007 10:27am - chrisabomb ""]
[Aug 31,2007 12:08pm - xmikex ""]
the_reverend said:PS: you have 4 of the best hardcore bands out now playing one show.

All Out War
All Out War

adds up.
[Aug 31,2007 4:41pm - anonymous  ""]
fuck im getting my ass handed to me at this
[Aug 31,2007 5:21pm - the_reverend ""]
on my way to worcester
[Aug 31,2007 5:54pm - chrisabomb ""]
ME TOO....
[Aug 31,2007 7:42pm - the_reverend ""]
people hopefully picked the RI show over the worcester show.
[Aug 31,2007 9:21pm - phobia ""]
fuck yeah, everyone needs to be bloody and have at least one broken limb by the end of this show.
[Aug 31,2007 9:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard there is no stage. I will be the on in the corner scared at the first note shipwreck hits
[Aug 31,2007 9:41pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
why isnt this show in MA? fuck RI
[Sep 1,2007 12:10am - chrisabomb ""]
todayistheday nli said:why isnt this show in MA? fuck RI

[Sep 1,2007 12:11am - chrisabomb ""]
[Sep 1,2007 10:43am - chrisabomb ""]
hours away....be there!!!!
[Sep 1,2007 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]
73 richmond st.
[Sep 1,2007 2:52pm - chrisabomb ""]
the_reverend said:73 richmond st.

yeah! thats the addy...

[Sep 1,2007 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving in 1 hour
[Sep 1,2007 3:48pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving now.
[Sep 1,2007 4:17pm - phobia ""]
now that i think of it, i remember the last time i saw death before dishonor... i got spin kicked in the face and broke my nose. yay!
[Sep 1,2007 4:38pm - Lamp ""]
To go or not to go...

[Sep 1,2007 4:58pm - the_reverend ""]
im passing through boston now.
[Sep 1,2007 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]

On the club. Pretty weird yet cool place. The interior is odd, but hell, it's a club. The cool part is the bouncers. Like 1/2 of them are doo-rag wearing dance club bouncers, the other 1/2 are old school dudes that ool would have been here attending if they weren't working the show. That makes for a chill club in my book. The on issue they should hash out is where bands can put their gear after their set is over. That sees to be a little bit of a problem.

living hell:their set was kind of low key.the audience only really broke out dancing once. It's an early show and PVD doesn't come in for early shows. LH rules, but the guitars were non-existent so it sapped a lot of he energy out of the room. this was more that fixed by shipwreck. I would have to say after the last elk's show I saw with them, all the sercomstances of this show worked against them, but they still played it off well.
[Sep 1,2007 8:27pm - Lamp ""]
I went with no go. Probably for the better as I feel woozy as fuck. I think I got food poisoning a couple days ago...
[Sep 1,2007 9:10pm - the_reverend ""]
shipwreck: at this point the show really started to pick up.the sound got better.
On the club. people started busting down their special dance moves. The new songs they did were too good. Wa way too good. They ended with a song that everyone knew (including me). Don't they usually ended with a question mark? (meaning a song no one knows).

death before dishonor: wow, the place really stepped it up at this point. DBD played some newer songs. On of which people must have been listening to the mp3s online a lot. The other reminded me of their older material, more anthemy BFB older sounding, 3 vocals.I don't know what the chorus was, but if it's good, that might be the "hit" off the new CD. The end of their set was only moderately scary.
[Sep 1,2007 10:28pm - the_reverend ""]
ringworm: same set list as last night from what I recall. Same show? Not on your life. They played for 10x the people. People danced and mowed down the front row constantly. Definitely better pictures last night, but the show was so much better tonight. It seemed like they played the set quicker and it was over faster. Eh, what do I know. ever Funny watching everyone lose their mind in the crowd, especially since a large number of people in the crowed are in ringworm-esque bands themselves.

one more band and then it's nice slice time. boo-yeah.
[Sep 1,2007 10:48pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, that show gets 2 thunbs up, an a snap in Z formation
[Sep 1,2007 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I completely forgot to mention that dbd had a line up change. im guessing it's temporary thing. dave wasn't there on guitar. instead frankie (who proves to be a good guitarplayer) moved to guitar and rob (since the flood) played bass.
[Sep 2,2007 12:41am - Afriken  ""]
Tonight was fucking ridiculous.
[Sep 2,2007 12:53am - the_reverend ""]
everyone in my pictures so far looks beyond ridiculous.. and like in a bad way...
[Sep 2,2007 1:00am - the_reverend ""]
pictures will be up in a few minutes.
they are processing now.
[Sep 2,2007 1:00am - demondave ""]

Where did the image in that flyer come from?
[Sep 2,2007 1:14am - Afriken  ""]
One of my family reunions.
[Sep 2,2007 12:00pm - cav ""]
im glad i made it out to this show, all the bands were awesome. ive never seen so many power chords in one show in my whole life. haha. i mean that in a good way. the crowd was really into it, watching old guys sing along with hardcore kids is fun as hell. just not sure why it was 15 bucks at the door, but meh, i guess it was worth it.
[Sep 2,2007 2:05pm - chrisabomb ""]
cav said:im glad i made it out to this show, all the bands were awesome. ive never seen so many power chords in one show in my whole life. haha. i mean that in a good way. the crowd was really into it, watching old guys sing along with hardcore kids is fun as hell. just not sure why it was 15 bucks at the door, but meh, i guess it was worth it.

the reason it was 15 at the door was because the club added 11 bouncers to the show instead of 5 like we originally had thought it was gonna be. that pushed up our expences & luckily we broke even by making it 15. sorry for the last minute change in price but we had to do it. anyways thanks to everyone that came out. we have plenty more good shows comin & in the works...see you there.
[Sep 2,2007 2:07pm - chrisabomb ""]
thanks for comin down & taking pics. last night aaron. good to see you again. keep comin down for the shows. maybe i"ll see you next sunday @ verse, soul control(rec. release), st. jude, i rise, & maintain. 3:00pm hardcore matinee show.
[Sep 2,2007 2:08pm - chrisabomb ""]
demondave said:

Where did the image in that flyer come from?

my roomate found it online. it made it awesome flyer i thought so we used it...

[Sep 2,2007 2:09pm - xwhitebreadx  ""]
yikes! looks like a meathead fest...no offence to the Abomb just not my thang. props for bringing shows to prov regartdless!
[Sep 2,2007 2:17pm - the_reverend ""]
there were a few too many bouncers there with nothing to do. once they realize that shows like this police themselves. i really hope this place, the as220, and possibly the revamped livingroom schedule might take the place of the hole left in pvd from the met.

the best news is that you broke even. shows that things like this are viable in RI again. hopefully. click on chris's profil and check all the threads he's made with millions of shows.
[Sep 2,2007 2:31pm - xmikex ""]
bouncers = useless

my ankle is ruined haha great show
[Sep 2,2007 2:42pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, you hit the ground hard/goofy and then limped around like a grandpa only to start dancing more.
[Sep 7,2007 11:15am - metalmayhem  ""]
yeah, there was a sick show that started about the time all out war got done playing right above club hell @ Jerky's....Acariya/She Nasty ripped it up. Both debuted new songs that absolutely rule this world....

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