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good sunn0))) albums

[Aug 31,2007 12:51pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
heard nothin but good stuff about this band. some one told me if i liked pelican,conifer,mouth of the architect and isis that i would like this band can someone give me a good cd to grab so i can see the full effect of what this band has to offer thanks duders.
[Aug 31,2007 12:57pm - blue ""]
uh, if you like guitar feedback for 45 mintues, youll LOVE them.
[Aug 31,2007 1:01pm - brian_dc ""]
dude...it's tone for the sake of tone

how do you not like?
[Aug 31,2007 1:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Flight of the Behemoth would be my recommendation. Possibly followed by White 1 and Black One.
[Aug 31,2007 1:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Although, technically speaking, the best Sunn album is Earth - "Sunn Amps and Smashed Guitars".
[Aug 31,2007 1:23pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
blue said:uh, if you like guitar feedback for 45 mintues, youll LOVE them.

its drone i fully expect well.....droning
[Aug 31,2007 1:24pm - blue ""]
well, then. congratulations, you've become extremely well versed in the sunn0))) catalog.
[Aug 31,2007 1:29pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
horrible band
[Aug 31,2007 1:56pm - xmikex ""]

[Aug 31,2007 2:48pm - Lamp ""]
I like Black One, Flight of the Behemoth is alright too. I'm not familiar with anything else they've done though. You have to be in the right mood for it too. Late at night works well, driving in the middle of nowhere, sitting in your home in the quiet...you know what I mean.
[Aug 31,2007 3:49pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
blue said:uh, if you like guitar feedback for 45 mintues, youll LOVE them.


heard one song(album) and never wanted anything to do with them ever again

MOTA, Isis, Conifer are all waaaaaay better
[Aug 31,2007 3:49pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Aug 31,2007 3:57pm - ZJD ""]
Wow I'm happy to see that not everyone on here has SunnO))) boners like everyone else. I think they are pretty boring and ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous.
[Aug 31,2007 4:24pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
hahaha i love how people take the time to open up threads about bands they dont like and get all up in arms. i heard if i liked isis and shit i'd like this band im just checking them out. its gonna be ok guys i swear.
[Aug 31,2007 4:33pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
they should be called ZZZZZZZ because thats all you will do to them
[Aug 31,2007 5:39pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
ya i downloaded flight of the behomoth. didn't really like it. Is this new shit?
[Aug 31,2007 6:43pm - Lamp ""]
You can't really listen to stuff like SunnO))) (or any drone/noise/ambient stuff for that matter) expecting to hear song structure and "talent". You have to listen to it for an atmospheric effect. You know how in movies they have different background music that you're not actually paying attention to but sets the mood well? It's kind of like that...it's something to listen to when you want to hear noise but don't have the energy to listen to music.
[Aug 31,2007 6:44pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
theres actual music that has better atmospheric value than this shit.
[Aug 31,2007 11:33pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Stephen O'malley: Okay, for the next 45 minutes I'm going to let you guys listen to some badical feedback, brace yourselves, it could make you crap your pants!

Hipster Nerds in the crowd: ZOMG *PLOP* Black metal is sooooooooo hot right now.

What I find most amazing about SunnO))) is that they made me say "Man I wish they'd pick it up, this would be an awesome Khanate song if they played faster"
[Aug 31,2007 11:54pm - Ryan_M ""]
Lamp said:You can't really listen to stuff like SunnO))) (or any drone/noise/ambient stuff for that matter) expecting to hear song structure and "talent". You have to listen to it for an atmospheric effect. You know how in movies they have different background music that you're not actually paying attention to but sets the mood well? It's kind of like that...it's something to listen to when you want to hear noise but don't have the energy to listen to music.

This is what I can't understand most about ambient music. People listen to it to correspond with their feelings at any given time?
Why would anyone feel the need to have a soundtrack to go along with their lives?
"Boy I'm feeling down in the dumps today - this calls for some dark ambient music; I'll play my Sunn O))) CD!

I'm not going to shit on Sunn O))) or anyone who likes them; that's just my opinion on it, I can't understand the appeal of droning noise like that.
[Sep 1,2007 1:51am - Lamp ""]
What, are you trying to tell me you've never tried to analyze your own emotions and thoughts before or something?
[Sep 1,2007 9:31am - Ryan_M ""]
Of course I have, but I'm just saying I never felt the need to put some kind of music/noise on in the background that's parallel to how I'm feeling.

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