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hardcore at a new low

[Sep 2,2007 10:03pm - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]

oooo boy
[Sep 2,2007 10:06pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 2,2007 10:08pm - xmikex ""]
That's still more creative than anything Throwdown has ever done.
[Sep 2,2007 10:09pm - archaeon ""]
hay baybay
[Sep 2,2007 10:43pm - Lamp ""]
[Sep 2,2007 10:45pm - Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 ""]
I wish there was a quick cure to kill the disease that is hardcore.
Maybe they all will get rotater-cuff tears and be reduced to slightly less mobile girly-men. ::Shrugs::
[Sep 2,2007 10:52pm - xanonymousx ""]
i forget what band that is...
i heard it before though.
[Sep 3,2007 1:21am - Ryan_M ""]
Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 said:I wish there was a quick cure to kill the disease that is hardcore.

Hey if it weren't for hardcore, a lot of great metal bands we have now wouldn't sound the same. Where do you think all the speed and aggression of thrash and death metal came from? Hardcore.

Its not hardcore that sucks, what sucks is the loser scene whores who think dressing up and hanging out at shows and "moshing" makes them cool.

[Sep 3,2007 1:44am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 3,2007 2:25am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Sep 3,2007 7:45am - Dwellingsickness ""]
it is all the supposed "tough guys" that ruined Hardcore
[Sep 3,2007 7:47am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I heard that pizza ruined hardcore.
[Sep 3,2007 8:06am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Now that you mention it, I think I heard something about that too.
[Sep 3,2007 9:23am - Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 ""]
Ok let me re-phrase that....
Hardcore as it stands for the last 10 years, for the most part... blows.

I do understand the significant role hardcore played in the developement of other bands... but I don't think you quite hit the nail on the head...

Thrash spawned modern hardcore, not vice versus.

Metallica, Kreator, Testament, Slayer.. and more were existent and sucessful bands prior to the first "REAL" hardcore bands.

I dunno, I've never heard Metallica do chugs.
[Sep 3,2007 9:23am - Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 ""]
However, that would be interesting given metallica's current career paths.
[Sep 3,2007 9:56am - Lamp ""]
You people do realize that video has nothing to do with hardcore, right? I can't possibly be the only person here who thinks that.
[Sep 3,2007 10:21am - Ryan_M ""]
Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 said:Thrash spawned hardcore, not vice versus.

Black Flag, Minor Threat and countless others were releasing singles and playing gigs a few years before the rise of thrash metal.

Metallica, Kreator, Testament, Slayer.. and more were existent and sucessful bands prior to the first "REAL" hardcore bands.
Perhaps you mean't hardcore had a role in later Thrash/Death bands and stuff.

Bands like Metallica and Slayer and the like were mainly influenced by bands like Maiden and Priest and the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. The "thrashing" sound they had came from their interest in bands like Discharge, Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat, etc...

I dunno, I've never heard Metallica do chugs.

Chugging and breakdowns isn't what all hardcore is about. A lot of modern stuff is, but not all of it.
[Sep 3,2007 10:47am - Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 ""]
It is VERY clear most early thrash bands took their roots from NWOBHM, most of the thrash bands to follow were just taking their cues from the existent bands and trying to play faster, louder ect.

Do I think that OLD hardcore influenced SOME Thrash bands... Deffinitly.
Do I think they influenced all early thrash bands? No.
That would be naive to say.

I think the "coming about" of Thrash metal is more in depth than just trying to take a cue from early Hardcore. You must remember that most early thrash was taking their material from the British Heavy Metal bands,Thrash Metal's signature is the triplet and non-diatonic shit. Also, alot of early thrash metal you have to remember was about trying to 180% the LA infatuation with Glam Metal. There is alot of factors involved with the evolution of Thrash Metal.

Early Hardcore and Thrash are parellels, in many ways.
They were developing around the same time period.
I was speaking of modern hardcore, the hardcore playing in that video.

Modern hardcore is just an evolution of OLD Hardcore/Punk and Thrash Metal. And for the most part, modern hardcore is lacking, or at least to my standards. Everyone will have their own opinion, everything sounds different to someone else.. of course.

Give some chump on the street a guitar and he could be Hatebreed's new guitarist. It isn't rocket science tuning your guitar down 2 steps and playing 5chords. Then again, neither was most of Kirk Hammet's soloing.


[Sep 3,2007 11:10am - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]
Lamp said:You people do realize that video has nothing to do with hardcore, right? I can't possibly be the only person here who thinks that.

i realize that this video doesnt have alot with hardcore but the thing is if you look at the title of the video is HXC banana dance, it implies that those dumb fuck kids think that is hardcore... its people like that who are just mallcore kids who got turned onto 'hardcore' bands who played on ozzfest. Its kids like that, that make me want to vomit uncontrollably.
[Sep 3,2007 12:04pm - the_reverend ""]
thrash took a lot of it's influence from skater punk
[Sep 3,2007 12:09pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
[Sep 3,2007 9:15pm - xanonymousx ""]
listen to the first voice comment on the page haha.
[Sep 3,2007 11:26pm - SteveOTB ""]
xanonymousx said:listen to the first voice comment on the page haha.

That girl can't be fucking serious at all.
[Sep 3,2007 11:29pm - hungtableed  ""]
I've heard that song before and even though it's supposed to be a joke, it is honestly so much fucking gayer than the easter bunny that the queerness is unmeasureable.
[Sep 4,2007 12:11am - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
Ryan_M said:Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 said:I wish there was a quick cure to kill the disease that is hardcore.

Where do you think all the speed and aggression of thrash and death metal came from? Hardcore.

You have absolutely no clue what you're saying.

Thrash came from california, Hardcore came out of NY and Boston.

Thrash came from british metal bands. Hardcore came from british punk.

NWOBHM was not in any way influenced by american punk. Bands like Maiden and Venom were influenced by 70's rock bands like Thin Lizzy and Deep Purple. The only thing even remotely punk about maiden was Paul DiAnno, who was a fan of british punk, not american bands like you mention. You may notice, they threw him out of the band.

You're probably just too young too know better, but if you grew up in the hardcore or metal scene you'd know that until recent times these audiences and bands hated each other with a passion, and that metal and hardcore shared no roots whatsoever.

[Sep 4,2007 12:18am - archaeon ""]
Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 said:
Do I think that OLD hardcore influenced SOME Thrash bands... Deffinitly.
Do I think they influenced all early thrash bands? No.
That would be naive to say.

Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 said:Thrash spawned modern hardcore, not vice versus.


[Sep 4,2007 3:54am - demondave ""]
[Sep 4,2007 4:27am - thegreatspaldino ""]
if these guys sucked any harder, they could change their name to "Hoover"
[Sep 4,2007 5:36pm - brandon...  ""]
I fucking hate shit like this. Fucking kids on you tube suck. Who gives a fuck about what you and your bitch ass friends do with your spare time.
[Sep 4,2007 7:50pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
what i hate is the epidemic of little turds that think they are so br00tal when they are total generic garbage. ANYONE can pick up a guitar and shit out this useless open stringed chuggathon shit. there are 2932978569826938563 bands that have the same exact parts in all of their songs. if i got up on stage, played the chords to "smoke on the water" the same exact way and everything but called it my own, i would get ridiculed and sued. these little pukes all use the same exact triplets and muted trems chugged out in the same exact order but instead of nothing but negative shit being tossed at them... they get signed to Prosthetic records and shit and go on tours and dont even have to work anymore and shit. its a fucking slap in the face of real creative musicians (not saying i am one of them). i blame Waking the Cadaver. not for much reason at all... only because they suck.
[Sep 4,2007 8:39pm - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]
[Sep 4,2007 8:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just looks like some kids havin fun.
[Sep 4,2007 8:44pm - Scott Bakula  ""]

[Sep 5,2007 10:50am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ArrowHead likes Pie said:Ryan_M said:Shr3dd1ngSw3d3 said:I wish there was a quick cure to kill the disease that is hardcore.

Where do you think all the speed and aggression of thrash and death metal came from? Hardcore.

You have absolutely no clue what you're saying.

Thrash came from california, Hardcore came out of NY and Boston.

Thrash came from british metal bands. Hardcore came from british punk.

NWOBHM was not in any way influenced by american punk. Bands like Maiden and Venom were influenced by 70's rock bands like Thin Lizzy and Deep Purple. The only thing even remotely punk about maiden was Paul DiAnno, who was a fan of british punk, not american bands like you mention. You may notice, they threw him out of the band.

You're probably just too young too know better, but if you grew up in the hardcore or metal scene you'd know that until recent times these audiences and bands hated each other with a passion, and that metal and hardcore shared no roots whatsoever.

The fans, maybe. Pretty common knowledge that the BANDS, however, were all listening to US and UK hardcore pretty regularly. Which is why US NWOBHM-influenced bands got all fast and yelly, creating thrash metal.

How is this news to anybody?

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