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Daaah this band sucks!!!

[Sep 5,2007 9:26pm - jose  ""]

I dare somone to leave a comment lol
[Sep 5,2007 9:33pm - jose  ""]
sorry try this

[Sep 5,2007 9:44pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Sep 5,2007 9:56pm - Lamp ""]
Every time I think bands can't get any worse I hear something like this to make me laugh out loud at how fucking bad some people suck, hahahahahaha.
[Sep 5,2007 9:57pm - Hoser ""]
horrible beyond words or simple human comprehension.
[Sep 5,2007 10:21pm - xmikex ""]
bahaha pee wee's playhouse sound effects
[Sep 5,2007 10:22pm - archaeon ""]
haha this rules
[Sep 5,2007 11:14pm - Uh ""]
almost as bad as Daath
[Sep 5,2007 11:37pm - Ryan_M ""]
Haha looks like they invited some girls over hoping to impress them, they look like they're having a great time.
[Sep 5,2007 11:47pm - the_reverend ""]
girl on the left's myspace says bi, but she's a fuckin dike.
[Sep 5,2007 11:53pm - Ryan_M ""]
"Yeah dude, I invited these girls over to see us practice - when they see how metal we are they're going to be all over our shit!!!"
[Sep 6,2007 1:35pm - Brandon..  ""]
[Sep 6,2007 1:42pm - BrianDBB ""]
GROSS women who are "bi" are just trying to double their chances of actually getting FUCKED.
[Sep 6,2007 1:44pm - Brandon..  ""]
My personal favorite is in the first little break where the keyboads are all like da da da da hahahah
[Sep 6,2007 4:16pm - sxealex ""]
how did u find this? the have 4 friends and 82 profile views
[Sep 6,2007 4:28pm - shr3dd1ngsw3d3 ""]
Yeah, I revoke that dudes keyboard playing privledges.
Fucking holding a 5chord for 4 beats...

Fucking, I hope his 100 dollar setup electricutes him.
[Sep 6,2007 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]
myspace search for "gay"?
[Sep 6,2007 5:54pm - sir  ""]
Its great how its the easiest shit ever and they still fuck up the timing. LAME!!
[Sep 6,2007 5:56pm - xanonymousx ""]
i get more enjoyment listening to complete.
[Sep 6,2007 6:17pm - Dwellingsickness ""]


Anyone else see the similarity???
[Sep 6,2007 6:32pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
Dwellingsickness said:


Anyone else see the similarity???

those are the best commercials ever to be seen on TV, period.
[Sep 6,2007 6:37pm - xanonymousx ""]
I heard the caveman is getting his own TV series unrelated too the commercials.
[Sep 6,2007 6:43pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
that sucks

the spread of new commercials created anticipation...a show...i don't think it'll be funny
[Sep 6,2007 10:50pm - Lamp ""]
The show apparently isn't even about the same cavemen!

But I'll still watch it anyway.
[Sep 7,2007 5:31pm - sir  ""]
Did anyone catch the name of the song. Just about as creative as the band. or should i say gay

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