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Psyopus has extremely messed up Myspace bulletins

[Sep 6,2007 10:09am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
" It started with the skin. It led to a taste that made both my tastebuds smile and my sapling a red wood. She made me lick it. Oh yes, she did!!! That sweet bitch made me lick it like I had to prove my heterosexuality to her. Fortunately, . . .

"My solos are my trademark"

I love the pussy. I love nipples. I wish I was Stonehedge hundreds of years before the dawn of history. I would fuck like a Druid.

Of coarse if this happened, I wouldn't know what I was doing but, my legacy would contiune in the living rock of Stonehedge.

But since I'm certainly a modern man I continued NOW-ing all over her BOX-ness. Wa wa wa. I make that sound. I also like to curl 5 lbs of pink dumbbell when I go down on the lover formly known as Princess. It reminds me that the grit of a man's hands is tuff. And who doesn't want to be tuff? Tuffer, even? I have tuff hands.

So, . . . her curves were fire to my shaft. Her fruit flies orbited my giraffe. The circles where sexy and her cheeks hexed me. I was a slave to her form, . . . it changed my fucking life."
[Sep 6,2007 11:14am - goatcatalyst ""]
nothing strange about that, Arp is a sensual dynamo
[Sep 6,2007 11:16am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I've talked to the guy. Very eccentric. I'm surprised he doesn't write the lyrics.
[Sep 6,2007 11:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yay for eating at the Y. I support this.

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