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Britany Spears Officially Ends Music Career (Hopefully her own life therafter)

[Sep 10,2007 5:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ahhhhhahahahha. stupid bitch. the best is when the crowd starts laughing at her feeble performance attempts towards the end. rounded off by obvious lip-synching.

[Sep 10,2007 5:40pm - Dankill  ""]
She looked like she had no idea what the hell she was doing.
That and she's still got some more work at the gym to do.
[Sep 10,2007 5:42pm - Lamp ""]
Who gives a fuck?
[Sep 10,2007 6:55pm - Ryan_M ""]
I thought her career was over like 5 years ago. Since then, the only things she's accomplished is marrying, having kids with, and divorcing a wigger shit-stain named "K-Fed", showing paparazzi bottom-feeders her cunt, shaving her head bald, and getting drunk and making out with some faggot college kid.
What a celebrity huh? She might be rich, but she's no better than trailer trash - actually, I think trailer trash might be more classy than her. Fuck that cunt.
[Sep 10,2007 7:06pm - timjohnny1492  ""]
o i c
[Sep 10,2007 8:13pm - atthehaunted ""]
i'd still bang her
[Sep 10,2007 8:29pm - rotivore ""]
looks like nothing out of the ordinary......I still fly it on my chest to her
[Sep 10,2007 8:47pm - tylerl nli  ""]
her ass is still godly
[Sep 10,2007 9:28pm - huntableed  ""]
She didn't fucking speak (let alone) sing one fucking syllable...
Why do people like this make millions????
[Sep 11,2007 12:46am - SteveOTB ""]
The performance was so fucking terrible. She was missing moves, the lip-synching was completely off...usually when someone lip-synchs they try to get it dead on as to appear she was singing it, and overall she had no emotion towards the performance at all. She probably had the opportunity to show people that she's a performer and goes out on stage and be a professional but it seems like she's just waaaaay too fucked up to be able to do anything. In light of all the shit that's going on with her I can almost guarantee her new album will sell about 100,000 which is close to nothing to what she's used to.
[Sep 11,2007 12:56am - Lamp ""]
I can't believe you people are actually sitting here talking about this!
[Sep 11,2007 12:59am - SteveOTB ""]
huntableed said:She didn't fucking speak (let alone) sing one fucking syllable...
Why do people like this make millions????

Ass and titties ass ass and titties.
[Sep 11,2007 10:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm just pissed that the link is dead; I still haven't seen this (and it sounds hilarious).
[Sep 11,2007 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. she should pretty much just kill herself... it looked like this lady dancing:
when did britney become phyllis diller?
[Sep 11,2007 10:28am - Fuck Logging In  ""]
phyllis diller > britney spears
[Sep 11,2007 10:32am - Yeti ""]
atthehaunted said:i'd still bang her

[Sep 11,2007 10:49am - thegreatspaldino ""]
tylerl nli said:her ass is still godly

[Sep 11,2007 11:05am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Fuck Logging In said:phyllis diller > britney spears

I bet Phyllis is nuts in the sack. You know she gives it up in the rear entrance.

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