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Bloodlet appreciation thread

[Sep 11,2007 7:32pm - Hoser ""]
I used to love these dudes a while back...like in 2002 but some dickhole stole my Three Humid Nights in the Cypress Trees CD at a show and now I can't get the fucking album anywhere....

Anyone know where I can dl this album?
[Sep 11,2007 7:40pm - blue ""]

seraphim fall kills it. expect everyone in the network to post in this thread ASAP.
[Sep 11,2007 8:14pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Blue said it; The Seraphim Fall.

[Sep 11,2007 8:29pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
I'm weird I guess, I was more of a fan of their really old and droning stuff from the 7"s and Entheogen. I dig Seraphim a lot too though. Unfortunately I can't say that I've heard Three Humid Nights... Gotta check it out I guess. I love a lot of those Victory bands that just sat back burnered to ExC and Strife like Deadguy, what a fucking brilliant band. And Buried Alive was essentially cast in the shadow of Hatebreed, who in my opinion is a pussy version of Buried Alive. Meh.

Still, Bloodlet was cool.
[Sep 11,2007 9:13pm - the_network_booking ""]
Hahah, yes. So here it is. Best fucking band ever! Tried and true.
And just to start some messageboard rumors..scotty bloodlet has expressed interest in actually doing a guest spot on our new album (when ever that is). He was actually going to be our new vocalist, but things did not work out, seriously.
But yeah, Bloodlet, hands down best band ever!
[Sep 11,2007 9:18pm - Hoser ""]
so post the fucking album asshats!!!

Ya it's me, Jake...there I admitted it...now post...I NEEEEED IT!!!

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