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Infatuation With Malevolence unappreciation

[Sep 13,2007 4:38pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Some of the worst drumming ever. Boring, utter crap. Stop At Nothing was better.
[Sep 13,2007 4:39pm - timmy porphyria  ""]
dude, gallagher did the drumming on that. Granted it's not the best, but the dude was already doing the guitars and vocals. Give the guy some credit.
[Sep 13,2007 4:41pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck off!

[Sep 13,2007 4:41pm - blue ""]
yeah, 'infatuation' is their demo shit when they went several years without a steady drummer.
[Sep 13,2007 4:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Wrong! Rob Belton (the black dude) played on that. You are getting it mixed up with the "Bathe In Entrails" demo stuff.
[Sep 13,2007 4:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

damnit dwyer where are you?
[Sep 13,2007 4:43pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Belton also played on "Purification Through Violence".
[Sep 13,2007 4:48pm - blue ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Wrong! Rob Belton (the black dude) played on that. You are getting it mixed up with the "Bathe In Entrails" demo stuff.

jesus, that guy sucked. even though he got a lot better on purification.
[Sep 13,2007 4:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuck you haters. "Black-guy fetus" as I call it is not without it's charm.
[Sep 13,2007 6:49pm - archaeon ""]
that guy doesn't bring the slam

i like the CD regardless
[Sep 13,2007 7:27pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Wrong! Rob Belton (the black dude) played on that. You are getting it mixed up with the "Bathe In Entrails" demo stuff.

I think he meant the CD entitled "Infatuation With Malevolence" that they put out with both demos plus a few live songs, and the first few tracks are from the "Bathe In Entrails" demo, so it is easily confused I suppose.
[Sep 13,2007 7:43pm - blue ""]
yeah der, i figured dwyer would know that.

[Sep 13,2007 8:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Uh, yeah I know that, I sold both demo tapes before there even was a CD version!

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