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[Sep 13,2007 9:19pm - xanonymousx ""]


Both Cliff and Dave.
[Sep 13,2007 9:26pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
I can't explain what a shitty shitty day I've had. I've been home an hour and just been miserable.

I watched this video.

I'm really happy now.

Thank you!
[Sep 13,2007 9:44pm - xanonymousx ""]
no problem bro.

take some time and just relax.
[Sep 13,2007 10:02pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
SO originally the song was Mechanix, and they created 4 Horsemen after dave was kicked out? I'm confused. I always though mechanix came after, with the advent of Megadeth.
[Sep 13,2007 10:08pm - Ryan_M ""]
Yeah it was originally The Mechanix, but as you said, when Dave left, and Kirk came in, they added that slower middle part with the solo and changed the lyrics. Dave probably wrote the original lyrics though, maybe that's why they changed them.
Dave decided to have Megadeth play the original version for their first album. Both versions are pretty cool.
[Sep 13,2007 10:10pm - xanonymousx ""]
i believe dave also added an intro to the track.
[Sep 13,2007 11:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
so good.
[Sep 14,2007 7:42am - kkkramer  ""]
4 horsemen is better
[Sep 14,2007 7:52am - demondave ""]

No, Mechanix is better. Metallica took Dave's songs and added parts to them, so they could claim to have co-written the songs. If you have the demo versions you will see that Kirk came in and copied the solos that Dave had already recorded on the demos. Pretty much note for note.

Metallica downplayed Dave being involved and tried to portray him as a guy that just hung around and played guitar. However he was the primary songwriter and has always been pissed that they took his songs (written specifically by him) and altered them to muffle his involvement, o they could place their names on the writing credits.

[Sep 14,2007 7:58am - kkkramer  ""]
Kill em all = worst of the good metallica records. Daves mechanix is annoying
[Sep 14,2007 10:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I prefer Four Horsemen to Mechanix by far, but that's not to put down Dave in any way; you can't overstate his influence on early Metallica (right through RtL). The original version appeared on No Life 'Til Leather and the Power Metal demo, if you're interested.
[Sep 14,2007 10:23am - thuringwethil ""]
Cliff 'Em All!
[Sep 14,2007 10:33am - Ryan_M ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:you can't overstate his influence on early Metallica (right through RtL)

Actually, Dave claims he wrote Leper Messiah off Master of Puppets, but wasn't given any credit on the record. I always used to think he was just running his mouth, but if you listen to it, it really does sound like Dave's style, like it could have been a lost track from Peace Sells or So Far... or something.
[Sep 14,2007 10:36am - Yeti ""]
that's true, i've always felt that Leper Messiah had a different feel than any of the other songs on Master.

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