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Highlander: The Source

[Sep 15,2007 11:21pm - LongDeadGod ""]
a straight to scifi original Highlander movie. it was a giant suckfest, if the sequels to the original, and the tv series didnt ruin highlander enough for you, this is the final nail in the coffin.

i think even fans of the series would hate this, stupid plot, awful cg. i can't beleive i watched the whole thing. and to top off this pile of shit there were some piss poor remakes of the old queen songs.
[Sep 15,2007 11:47pm - I_am_not_me ""]
I've never bothered watching anything other than the original...because I knew nothing could come close to matching its greatness.
[Sep 15,2007 11:56pm - boine ""]
ya its sad cause Sci-fi can make great movies but this one sucked
[Sep 16,2007 12:27am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Highlander was a DOCUMENTARY... the events happened in real tiiiime.
[Sep 16,2007 1:00am - I_am_not_me ""]
Not entirely true. It was actually a prediction. Its events will occur to me in approximately 20 years.

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