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ADC Center, Southbridge

[Sep 16,2007 12:50pm - izod  ""]

Before the Obituary show I had never been here before. The first time i heard of it was a week after the Testament show (I WAS PISSED, i really would have loved to have seen Testament, but i did not hear about the show).

Great idea: An old multi story brick turn of the century mill building with 3 bars, 5 venues with sound stages, internet radio broad cast studio and i hear a gentlemen's club is the next addition.

The sound was good, i could hear everything. And to boot it is only a little bit further than Worcester (everyone is always headed to the Palladium anyhow)


Really! I heard about this from a friend.... i saw no flyers, no ads in any rags. I told a shit load of people about the show and NONE of them had heard about it or this venue either.

It is a wonder why over 90% of all small businesses fail within the first year.... stupid moves like this! I would like to see the place succeed (it is always nice to have another venue around). After expressing my dismay at the lack of promotion, one guy I talked to, who was involved with the show, responded by telling me that "they just put so much money into this place and it is expensive to advertise.... they need more time". That makes no sense to me. They should have budgeted for the promotion necessary to draw people and make money right from the start in order to ensure that business can be sustained. It seems that the "wiping half your ass" analogy would be appropriate here.

At the very least SOMEONE involved should be posting on various internet forums and bumping up threads.... that is free.

I would like to see the place succeed

But what do i know

My $0.02
[Sep 16,2007 12:52pm - izod  ""]
Did anyone who has been to the ADC see the "Big Bunny Market" on the way in? Very odd! I was fascinated and we took several camera phone photos

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