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Lead Guitarist looking for Southern Mass/Metrowest based metal band

[Sep 16,2007 10:12pm - BullWithGloves ""]
Sup guys I'm a lead guitarist based out of Sharon, Mass. looking for a serious recording/gigging band within 45 minutes driving time from here. I'm 19, I've studied at Berklee College of Music and may be attending full time starting Spring '09. I have VERY good chops (not trying to brag), strong knowledge of music theory and I'm a decent songwriter. My metal influences are pretty varied and go from Dream Theater to Down to Despised Icon but my favorite bands are more along the lines of Melodic Death Metal, Metalcore, "groove" metal and some Prog (Threat Signal, Soilwork, All Shall Perish, The Faceless, Dream Theater, Tool and Soulfly stand out). My riff writing is very similar to Kyle McKnight (Threat Signal) and especially Soulfly-era Marc Rizzo. I have a bit of a knack for riffs/breakdowns good for jumping and for writing/playing shreddy but melodic solos. I'm also pretty good at writing more softer gloomy/airy interludes where my Tool influence really shows. In that respect I really need to work with a full band to put together quality songs. I own two guitars and that's all I need but my gigging amp died so I'm currently putting together cash for one and will rent amps for shows till I have it. I don't do any hard drugs and don't wanna work with people who do. I'm an occasional smoker and drinker. I have a reliable later model car for transportation to practice/shows. You can contact me at my myspace www.myspace.com/jimbooooooooooo1 cell me at (781) 727-2165 or just respond to this post.....the name's Jimbo

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