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[Dec 26,2003 10:25pm - sebekemsaf  ""]
does anyone know of any relatively recent gabber out there. yeah, it's not metal per se, but i figure someone would know of the genre and its current status in this click. I am specifically interested in Delta9. It seems he has fallen off the planet....and omar santana is not sending the goods any more....

[Dec 26,2003 10:44pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
what the fuck is "gabber"? it better not be a form of TECHNO
[Dec 26,2003 10:50pm - powerkok ""]
it is, in fact, a faster weirder form of techno, which can suck my nuts just as well as regular techno.
[Dec 28,2003 10:54pm - the_reverend ""]
OMG! mickle, I was just thinking about this
"hardcore chicago, you pussy motherfuckers"
I was listening to that on dec 25 and was going to bump one of your other posts like this.

the problem with gabber is that all the gabber artists (robb g and all) went into hardcore breaks.

though it looks like all the industrial stregth records might be getting re-issued?

those 12"s were all amazing.

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