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New "View" Co-Host Sherri Shepherd Doesn't Know If World Is Flat

[Sep 18,2007 10:52pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 18,2007 10:54pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
what stupid fucking bitch
[Sep 18,2007 11:31pm - yummy ""]
I wish it went just for another second so I could hear whether she would lie to her son. Not that it really matters. Magellan was a poser.
[Sep 18,2007 11:37pm - SteveOTB ""]
An old science teacher of mine showed this theory to the students. Not sure if it's exactly the same but who knows.

Take a quarter for instance. It's flat no question there but if you stand the quarter up and spin it the quarter appears circular even though the quarter itself is flat. What if the earth is actually flat and the rotation is merely an illusion giving us the appearance that it is round?

Something to ponder for a little bit.
[Sep 18,2007 11:40pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
THe quarter appears round because it is rotating faster than your eye can follow. Much as a film is seperate images, but we see them collectively as a moving image. The world takes 24 hours to spin a single time. There's no illusion, it's fucking round.
[Sep 18,2007 11:57pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the earth is round dicks....some greek philosopher sat on a mountain and watched a ship "disappear" because it was going over the bend in the earth that is the curve.

The earth isn't flat, if it was we would have sailed off the end.

here's some more proof for those wacko christians....If you sail straight following the sun at a speed so you never over took it or it never over took it, you would be in constant light, if you could do this. if the earth was flat then at some points you wouldn't see the light.

not to mention we would have discovered another side of the earth by now.
[Sep 19,2007 12:02am - DrewBlood ""]
hey! dumb and stupid asshole, you are referring to the non-dimensional one cube world, not the reality of the four time-cube worlds existing transcendentally in four rotating quadrants.
[Sep 19,2007 9:14am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Any dumb ass should know that a prime
meridian does not just pass through the
Greenwich point, but it also passes as a
great circle through both poles, crossing
the equator at 2 opposite points, dividing
Earth into 2 halves of light and darkness,
with each its own 24 hour rotation - in a
single rotation of Earth. You should know
that harmonic symmetry demands a
second great circle meridian to create
sunup and sundown corner quadrants?
There are 4 simultaneous 24 hour days
within a single rotation of the Earth.
You may be too damn evil to accept it.

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