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An entire housing development full of Lord of the Rings nerds

[Sep 19,2007 2:20pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Yikes. I have been out-nerded. (Looks cool, all the same.)
[Sep 19,2007 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 19,2007 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
thats awesome, though i would rather live in a community designed to look like Minas Morgul or Mordor.
[Sep 19,2007 3:23pm - dreadkill ""]
goony cheese
[Sep 19,2007 3:23pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I would live there in a heartbeat. That fucking rules.
[Sep 19,2007 3:25pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
rich nerds
[Sep 19,2007 3:34pm - ariavette ""]
that's awesome i would live there
[Sep 19,2007 3:36pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
No hobbit-holes = FAIL. I would live in a man-sized Bag End any day, though.
[Sep 19,2007 3:47pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, bag end
[Sep 19,2007 3:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeti said:thats awesome, though i would rather live in a community designed to look like Minas Morgul or Mordor.

"Mordor Estates: Bringing the old-world charm of the Land of Shadow to your neighborhood at an affordable rate. Access to our community is controlled by the trained security trolls who man our Black Gate welcome center. Why fight traffic to go to the grocery store when all your culinary needs can be met by our hordes of Haradrim slaves? Walk with your loved ones through our Mere of Dead Faces park and recreation area. (Pets are welcome, too!) Every unit is equipped with our exclusive Palantirvision™ entertainment system, providing you with hours of family viewing. Our friendly and capable staff of orcs will cater to your every need. Come join us, and live life the way it was meant to be lived - in an ash-choked land of unpleasantness and death. Come to Mordor Estates today!"
[Sep 20,2007 9:19am - xmikex ""]
haha I was just gonna say, who's up for sacking the Shire dressed as Orc bankers there to foreclose on the property.
[Sep 20,2007 10:33am - Yeti ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Yeti said:thats awesome, though i would rather live in a community designed to look like Minas Morgul or Mordor.

"Mordor Estates: Bringing the old-world charm of the Land of Shadow to your neighborhood at an affordable rate. Access to our community is controlled by the trained security trolls who man our Black Gate welcome center. Why fight traffic to go to the grocery store when all your culinary needs can be met by our hordes of Haradrim slaves? Walk with your loved ones through our Mere of Dead Faces park and recreation area. (Pets are welcome, too!) Every unit is equipped with our exclusive Palantirvision™ entertainment system, providing you with hours of family viewing. Our friendly and capable staff of orcs will cater to your every need. Come join us, and live life the way it was meant to be lived - in an ash-choked land of unpleasantness and death. Come to Mordor Estates today!"

that deserves an across-the-internet high five
[Sep 20,2007 11:02am - Whoremastery ""]
i would live there too...i dont care about lord of the rings...but i love the woods and always wanted a log cabin home or some shit.
[Sep 20,2007 11:14am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeti said:DestroyYouAlot said:Yeti said:thats awesome, though i would rather live in a community designed to look like Minas Morgul or Mordor.

"Mordor Estates: Bringing the old-world charm of the Land of Shadow to your neighborhood at an affordable rate. Access to our community is controlled by the trained security trolls who man our Black Gate welcome center. Why fight traffic to go to the grocery store when all your culinary needs can be met by our hordes of Haradrim slaves? Walk with your loved ones through our Mere of Dead Faces park and recreation area. (Pets are welcome, too!) Every unit is equipped with our exclusive Palantirvision™ entertainment system, providing you with hours of family viewing. Our friendly and capable staff of orcs will cater to your every need. Come join us, and live life the way it was meant to be lived - in an ash-choked land of unpleasantness and death. Come to Mordor Estates today!"

that deserves an across-the-internet high five

Too slow! *smooths hair back*
[Sep 20,2007 11:50am - porphyria  ""]
[Sep 20,2007 11:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hey, an orc!
[Sep 20,2007 12:36pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Sep 20,2007 2:55pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
that sounds great, cause I wanna live with a bunch of fat acne'd dorks who can't ever shutup or get laid.
[Sep 20,2007 3:27pm - ariavette ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:that sounds great, cause I wanna live with a bunch of fat acne'd dorks who can't ever shutup or get laid.

hey i love lord of the rings and i had sex last nite so shut it :whipper:
[Sep 20,2007 3:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

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