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Dim Mak appreciation

[Sep 20,2007 4:35pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Featuring members of Ripping Corpse and the ex-drummer from Origin. Knives of Ice is a great album.

[Sep 20,2007 4:55pm - brad weymouth  ""]
fuck yeah kid
[Sep 20,2007 5:06pm - Kinslayer  ""]
[Sep 20,2007 8:13pm - Anthny  ""]
Dim Mak is the shit.

The second album is the best. If there was ever appropriate music for a beatdown, that is it.
[Sep 20,2007 8:13pm - Anthny  ""]
Kinslayer, have you heard the Demo EP Ripping Corpse released after Dreaming...? It's incredible.
[Sep 20,2007 8:16pm - Kinslayer  ""]
No! It took me a long ass time just to find DwtD on ebay like 5 years ago...
[Sep 20,2007 9:21pm - Ryan_M ""]
I used to have a Dim Mak CD....forget what it was called; it was their second album though. It was okay, not great but not horrible either.

I think that Ripping Corpse album is supposed to be re-released on Relapse records sometime soon.

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