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Marduk - Here's No Peace rules

[Sep 20,2007 8:39pm - vein_water ""]
Marduk "Here's No Peace" and "Dark Endless" might be some of the best swedish death metal next to Nihilist and Carnage. Reply if you agree, if not I want to see what is wrong with your head.
[Sep 20,2007 9:10pm - Ryan_M ""]
Never listened to Here's No Peace, but Dark Endless was a killer record; by far one of Marduk's best albums.
[Sep 20,2007 9:13pm - vein_water ""]
Ryan_M said:Never listened to Here's No Peace, but Dark Endless was a killer record; by far one of Marduk's best albums.

Here's No Peace is the demo recordings of Still Fucking Dead and Withing The Abyss. Absolutely essential death metal.
[Sep 20,2007 11:19pm - stillfuckingdead  ""]
killer cd, just scored a used copy of it at newberrys in warwick for like $5.

[Sep 20,2007 11:27pm - vein_water ""]
stillfuckingdead said:killer cd, just scored a used copy of it at newberrys in warwick for like $5.

the one with the Panzer tank of the cover?
[Sep 21,2007 2:09am - GoatCatalyst ""]
I prefer Here's No Peace over Dark Endless. Fucking great stuff.
[Sep 21,2007 10:40am - Yeti ""]
Dark Endless is stupendous. i was listening to Rom 5:12 last night, i can't believe how good that is. Mortuus' vocals are sickeningly evil.
[Sep 21,2007 10:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
vein_water said:stillfuckingdead said:killer cd, just scored a used copy of it at newberrys in warwick for like $5.

the one with the Panzer tank of the cover?

That would maybe be Panzer Division Marduk? I mean, I'm just guessing, here.
[Sep 21,2007 11:36am - DreamingInExile ""]
Heaven Shall Burn, Opus Nocturne, and Panzer Division Marduk are my favorites by far.
[Sep 21,2007 11:37am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:vein_water said:stillfuckingdead said:killer cd, just scored a used copy of it at newberrys in warwick for like $5.

the one with the Panzer tank of the cover?

That would maybe be Panzer Division Marduk? I mean, I'm just guessing, here.

They both have a panzer on the cover.
[Sep 21,2007 11:45am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
SlavonicIdentity said:DestroyYouAlot said:vein_water said:stillfuckingdead said:killer cd, just scored a used copy of it at newberrys in warwick for like $5.

the one with the Panzer tank of the cover?

That would maybe be Panzer Division Marduk? I mean, I'm just guessing, here.

They both have a panzer on the cover.

Nobody likes a... a... umm... guy-who-knows-stuff. Yeah.
[Sep 21,2007 2:04pm - stillfuckingdead  ""]
yeah, it was the one with the tank on the cover...the original Shadow Records pressing.
[Sep 21,2007 4:31pm - vein_water ""]
stillfuckingdead said:yeah, it was the one with the tank on the cover...the original Shadow Records pressing.

yep, great release eh?

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